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Multisource surveillance for non-fatal work-related agricultural injuries.
Journal of Agromedicine ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-02 , DOI: 10.1080/1059924x.2019.1606746
Joanna Kica 1 , Kenneth D Rosenman 1

Objectives: Development of a state-wide comprehensive surveillance system for non-fatal work-related farm injuries, since non-fatal injuries that occur to the self-employed (i.e., many farm owners/operators), family workers, federal government workers and small farms with fewer than 11 employees are not included in the Bureau of Labor Statistics employer-based survey used to produce the U.S. National statistics of work-related injuries.Methods: In 2015 and 2016, inpatient discharge summaries, emergency department, and hospital-based outpatient clinic records from all 134 of Michigan's hospitals with ICD-9 codes 989.0-.1, E827.0-.9, E849.1, E906.8, E919.0 or ICD-10 codesT65.0-.1, V80, Y92.7, W55.1-.4, W30 were reviewed to identify non-fatal work-related farm injuries.Results: We identified 1,559 non-fatal work-related farm injury incidents that occurred in 1,525 individuals, with 74% being among men. The most common parts of the body injured were an upper limb (38.2%) and a lower limb (23.7%). The most common types of injury were contusions (26.4%) and fractures (19.9%). Owners/operators accounted for 44.1% and hired hands for 42.9% of individuals injured. Injuries caused by cows were the predominant cause: 472 (31.5%) of all the injuries. Dairy farms accounted for 39.6% of all cases for which the farm type was recorded.Conclusion: A comprehensive system to identify non-fatal work-related farm injuries among all individuals who work on a farm, including owner/operators, family members and migrant and seasonal farm laborers, was implemented using hospital, emergency department and hospital-based outpatient clinic medical records. Such a system is important to be able to identify hazards and target prevention.



目标:建立全州范围内的农场非致命工伤综合监测系统,因为非致命伤害发生在自营职业者(即许多农场主/经营者)、家庭工人、联邦政府工作人员和雇员人数少于 11 人的小型农场不包括在美国劳工统计局用于编制美国国家工伤统计数据的雇主调查中。方法:2015 年和 2016 年住院患者出院总结、急诊科和医院基于密歇根州所有 134 家医院的门诊患者临床记录,ICD-9 代码为 989.0-.1、E827.0-.9、E849.1、E906.8、E919.0 或 ICD-10 代码T65.0-.1、V80 、Y92.7、W55.1-.4、W30 进行了审查,以确定非致命性农场工作相关伤害。结果:我们确定了 1,559 起非致命性农场工作相关伤害事件,涉及 1,525 人,其中 74%男人之间。最常见受伤的身体部位是上肢(38.2%)和下肢(23.7%)。最常见的伤害类型是挫伤(26.4%)和骨折(19.9%)。业主/经营者占受伤人数的 44.1%,雇工占 42.9%。奶牛造成的伤害是主要原因:占所有伤害的 472 起(31.5%)。奶牛场占该农场类型记录的所有病例的 39.6%。 结论:建立了一个综合系统,用于识别所有在农场工作的个人(包括农场主/经营者、家庭成员和农民工)的非致命性农场工伤和季节性农场劳工,是利用医院、急诊科和医院门诊医疗记录来实施的。这样的系统对于识别危险和有针对性的预防非常重要。