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Recent Medico-Legal Developments on the Issue of Epilepsy and Driver's License Requirements in the Italian and European Legislation.
Behavioural Neurology ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-30 , DOI: 10.1155/2019/7127956
Brenno Mazzariol 1 , Antonella Pastorini 1 , Alessandro di Luca 2 , Natale Mario di Luca 1

Epilepsy is a condition that comprises a group of neurological disorders characterized by seizures. Forms of epilepsy that produce abrupt bouts that cause lapses in consciousness may pose a major road safety problem for drivers who, while going through a seizure, could seriously harm themselves as well as others. A fundamental strategy for the purpose of reducing the risk of car accidents caused by epileptic drivers is constituted by prevention, in addition to adequate pharmacological therapies. In that respect, forensic medicine plays a pivotal role, since it deals with the set of requirements that must be met by those who have been diagnosed with epilepsy in order to get a driver’s license, and with the obligation to signal such individuals to the national Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (in Italian: Motorizzazione Civile). In that regard, the Italian legislative framework is partly hazy in some respects, which the authors have set out to analyze herein, taking into account recently issued European norms. The aim of this paper was to better understand the current Italian legislation in the matter of epilepsy and driver’s license requirements, especially regarding the medical criteria that must be met in order to obtain the driving license. The importance of those criteria is underlined by the fact that they directly influence (and are influenced by) the safety for the drivers and for the persons involved in car accidents. Thus, we can consider the issue not only strictly of medico-legal relevance but also from the standpoint of primary prevention. The analysis was conducted by reviewing the most recent documents of medico-legal relevance, in the light of European Union legislation. The authors have ultimately stressed the need for clearer and straightforward regulations, given that professional liability may arise whenever a driver’s license is issued, in disregard of legal norms, to an individual who then causes a road accident.



癫痫病是一种疾病,包括一组以癫痫发作为特征的神经系统疾病。癫痫发作形式的突然发作会导致意识丧失,可能对驾驶员造成重大的道路安全问题,他们在进行癫痫发作时可能严重伤害自己和他人。除适当的药理疗法外,预防还构成了旨在降低由癫痫病驾驶员引起的交通事故风险的基本策略。在这方面,法医学起着举足轻重的作用,因为它处理了被诊断患有癫痫病的人必须获得的一组条件才能获得驾驶执照,并有义务向国民发出此类信号。驾驶员和车辆执照颁发机构(意大利语:Motorizzazione Civile)。在这方面,意大利立法框架在某些方面有些朦胧,考虑到最近发布的欧洲规范,作者们打算在此进行分析。本文的目的是更好地了解有关癫痫和驾驶执照要求的意大利现行法规,尤其是有关获得驾驶执照必须满足的医疗标准方面的法规。这些标准的重要性直接受到以下事实的强调:它们直接影响(以及受)驾驶员和交通事故人员的安全。因此,我们不仅可以严格地从法律意义上考虑相关问题,而且可以从一级预防的角度考虑这一问题。这项分析是通过审查最新的法医学相关文献进行的,根据欧盟法律。作者最终强调,需要制定更清晰,直接的法规,因为每当发给违反道路交通法规的个人而无视法律规范而颁发驾驶执照时,都有可能产生职业责任。