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On two morphologically different cysticercoids of the genus Eurycestus (Cestoda: Dilepididae) in Artemia franciscana (Arthropoda: Artemiidae) in a hypersaline pond in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Helminthologia ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-01 , DOI: 10.2478/helm-2019-0010
R K Schuster 1

Summary During a survey on tapeworm larval stages in Artemia franciscana from an artificial pond in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, a high prevalence of Eurycestus avoceti-like cysticercoids was established. Adult male and female crustaceans showed a prevalence of 61.9 and 62.7 %, respectively. The intensity ranged from one to four and one to three cyst, respectively. Out of 215 examined cysticercoids, 207 specimens had morphological features matching with E. avoceti. The flaky structure of the surrounding capsule, the elongated shape of the cysticercoid and the larger number of hooklets on the suckers suggest that the eight further larval cestodes belonged to another species of the genus Eurycestus.


在阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜的一个高盐度池塘中的卤虫(节肢动物:Artemiidae)中两种形态不同的 Eurycestus(Cestoda:Dilepididae)囊尾蚴

总结 在对来自阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜人工池塘的卤虫绦虫幼虫阶段进行调查期间,发现 Eurycestus avoceti 样囊尾蚴的流行率很高。成年雄性和雌性甲壳类动物的患病率分别为 61.9% 和 62.7%。强度范围分别为一到四个和一到三个囊肿。在 215 个检查的囊尾蚴中,207 个标本具有与 E. avoceti 匹配的形态特征。周围囊的片状结构、囊尾蚴的细长形状和吸盘上大量的钩状结构表明,另外 8 个幼虫绦虫属于 Eurycestus 属的另一个物种。