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Assessment of linguistic and verbal short-term memory components of language abilities in aphasia
Journal of Neurolinguistics ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jneuroling.2018.02.006
Nadine Martin 1 , Irene Minkina 1 , Francine P Kohen 1 , Michelene Kalinyak-Fliszar 1

Some current models of aphasia emphasize a role of short-term memory in the processing of language and propose that the language impairment in aphasia involves impairment to cognitive processes that activate and maintain representations of words over the time-period needed to support single word and multiple word tasks, including verbal span tasks. This paper reports normative data from 39 people with aphasia and 16 age-matched neurotypical controls on a test battery for aphasia that assesses effects of increased short-term/working memory load on word and sentence processing as well as effects of linguistic variations on verbal short-term memory abilities Two concepts are discussed that capture the unique potential of this test battery for research and clinical practice: specificity of diagnosis and sensitivity to all degrees of aphasia severity, including mild aphasia. An analysis is included that shows how the performance of individuals with mild aphasia who achieve normal level of performance on the Western Aphasia Battery (Kertesz, 2006) show a decline in a temporal delay condition that is greater than performance of control participants. We also report preliminary data showing differential effects of adding a time interval before a response or between items to be compared: reduced accuracy for some individuals with aphasia and improved accuracy for others. The theoretical and clinical importance of this finding is discussed, as well as the overall potential for this test battery to be used in research and as a clinical tool. Finally, we discuss the relevance of this test battery to investigate functional communication abilities in aphasia.



目前的一些失语症模型强调短期记忆在语言处理中的作用,并提出失语症中的语言障碍涉及认知过程的障碍,这些过程在支持单个词和多个词所需的时间段内激活和维持词的表征。单词任务,包括语言跨度任务。本文报告了来自 39 名失语症患者和 16 名年龄匹配的神经典型对照组的规范性数据,用于评估短期/工作记忆负荷增加对单词和句子处理的影响以及语言变异对言语短促的影响。 - 术语记忆能力 讨论了两个概念,它们捕捉了该测试组在研究和临床实践中的独特潜力:诊断的特异性和对所有失语严重程度的敏感性,包括轻度失语症。包括一项分析,显示了在西部失语症电池组(Kertesz,2006 年)上达到正常表现水平的轻度失语症个体的表现如何显示时间延迟条件的下降,这比对照组参与者的表现更大。我们还报告了初步数据,显示在响应之前或要比较的项目之间添加时间间隔的不同效果:某些失语症患者的准确性降低,而其他人的准确性提高。讨论了这一发现的理论和临床重要性,以及该测试组用于研究和作为临床工具的总体潜力。最后,我们讨论了该测试组对研究失语症功能性交流能力的相关性。包括一项分析,显示了在西部失语症电池组(Kertesz,2006 年)上达到正常表现水平的轻度失语症个体的表现如何显示时间延迟条件的下降,这比对照组参与者的表现更大。我们还报告了初步数据,显示在响应之前或要比较的项目之间添加时间间隔的不同效果:某些失语症患者的准确性降低,而其他人的准确性提高。讨论了这一发现的理论和临床重要性,以及该测试组用于研究和作为临床工具的总体潜力。最后,我们讨论了该测试组对研究失语症功能性交流能力的相关性。包括一项分析,显示了在西部失语症电池组(Kertesz,2006 年)上达到正常表现水平的轻度失语症个体的表现如何显示时间延迟条件的下降,这比对照组参与者的表现更大。我们还报告了初步数据,显示在响应之前或要比较的项目之间添加时间间隔的不同效果:某些失语症患者的准确性降低,而其他人的准确性提高。讨论了这一发现的理论和临床重要性,以及该测试组用于研究和作为临床工具的总体潜力。最后,我们讨论了该测试组对研究失语症功能性交流能力的相关性。