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Time-Saving Benefits of Intravital Staining
Journal of Histotechnology ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2008-09-01 , DOI: 10.1179/his.2008.31.3.129
Catherine Macgillivray 1 , Jeremy Sylvan , Richard T Lee , Hayden Huang

Abstract One of the challenges in labeling tissues for fluorescence microscopy is minimizing sample processing while maintaining or improving the information generated by the fluorescent label. Generally, tissues are extracted, fixed, and embedded in mounting media (such as paraffin), sectioned, and then postprocessed by removing the paraffin, blocking, labeling, and washing. Despite all of these steps, the consistency of labeling quality can vary as a result of several factors, including heterogeneity in labeling efficiency from slide to slide, the necessity of postprocessing to obtain information on sequential sections of tissue, interference from the mounting media, and loss of native three-dimensional structural information, especially in thicker sections. A method for embedding and processing tissues that have been labeled by intravital staining is described in this study. Intravital staining is the process in which live-cell dyes and other labels are injected into the bloodstream before fixation of the tissues. Tissues processed this way can be imaged upon sectioning without further staining and retain their native, three-dimensional information, thereby improving the information retained by the labels and speeding up sample processing (The J Histotechnol 31:129, 2008). Submitted February 27, 2008; accepted with revisions May 29, 2008



摘要 用于荧光显微镜标记组织的挑战之一是最大限度地减少样品处理,同时保持或改进荧光标记生成的信息。通常,组织被提取、固定并包埋在封固剂(例如石蜡)中、切片,然后通过去除石蜡、封闭、标记和洗涤进行后处理。尽管有所有这些步骤,标记质量的一致性可能会因多种因素而有所不同,包括载玻片之间标记效率的异质性、后处理以获得组织连续切片信息的必要性、封固剂的干扰以及原生三维结构信息的丢失,尤其是在较厚的部分。本研究描述了一种包埋和处理已通过活体染色标记的组织的方法。活体染色是在组织固定之前将活细胞染料和其他标记注入血流的过程。以这种方式处理的组织可以在切片时成像,无需进一步染色,并保留其天然的三维信息,从而改善标签保留的信息并加快样本处理​​速度(The J Histotechnol 31:129, 2008)。 2008 年 2 月 27 日提交; 2008 年 5 月 29 日接受修订