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Shedding light on the “Blackout”: risky behaviors and accidental deaths among adolescents
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-08 , DOI: 10.1111/acps.12979
R Santacroce 1, 2 , G Martinotti 1, 2 , M di Giannantonio 1

In February 2018, a 14-year-old boy from Rome died by asphyxiation, strangling himself with a cable of his PlayStation. On September 6th, a same-aged free climber from Milan died similarly after hanging a climbing rope around his neck. In both cases, suicidal intention was ruled out after careful interviews with family and friends of the victims: the deaths were classified as accidental, and the parents of the two boys soon discovered that they had watched on the Internet videos related to the so-called "Blackout" or "Choking Game" (CG). This challenge appears to be trending among adolescents and pre-adolescents, who self-induce asphyxia to "prove themselves" and to "get a free high" from temporary cerebral hypoxia. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.



2018 年 2 月,一名来自罗马的 14 岁男孩因被 PlayStation 的电缆勒死而窒息身亡。9月6日,一名来自米兰的同龄自由登山者在脖子上挂了一根登山绳后同样死亡。在两起案件中,经过与遇难者亲友的仔细采访,均排除了自杀意图:死亡被归类为意外,两个男孩的父母很快发现,他们曾在网络上观看过与所谓的“死亡”相关的视频。 “停电”或“窒息游戏”(CG)。这种挑战似乎在青少年和青春期前的青少年中呈趋势,他们自我诱导窒息以“证明自己”并从暂时的脑缺氧中“获得自由高潮”。本文受版权保护。版权所有。