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Relationship between the lipid composition of maternal plasma and infant plasma through breast milk.
Metabolomics ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s11306-019-1589-z
Samuel Furse 1 , Georgia Billing 2 , Stuart G Snowden 1 , James Smith 3 , Gail Goldberg 2 , Albert Koulman 1

INTRODUCTION This study was motivated by the report that infant development correlates with particular lipids in infant plasma. OBJECTIVE The hypothesis was that the abundance of these candidate biomarkers is influenced by the dietary intake of the infant. METHODS A cohort of 30 exclusively-breastfeeding mother-infant pairs from a small region of West Africa was used for this observational study. Plasma and milk from the mother and plasma from her infant were collected within 24 h, 3 months post partum. The lipid, sterol and glyceride composition was surveyed using direct infusion MS in positive and negative ion modes. Analysis employed a combination of univariate and multivariate tests. RESULTS The lipid profiles of mother and infant plasma samples are similar but distinguishable, and both are distinct from milk. Phosphatidylcholines (PC), cholesteryl esters (CEs) and cholesterol were more abundant in mothers with respect to their infants, e.g. PC(34:1) was 5.66% in mothers but 3.61% in infants (p = 3.60 × 10-10), CE(18:2) was 8.05% in mothers but 5.18% in infants (p = 1.37 × 10-11) whilst TGs were lower in mothers with respect to their infants, e.g. TG(52:2) was 2.74% in mothers and 4.23% in infants (p = 1.63 × 10-05). A latent structure model showed that four lipids in infant plasma previously shown to be biomarkers clustered with cholesteryl esters in the maternal circulation. CONCLUSION This study found evidence that the abundance of individual lipid isoforms associated with infant development are associated with the abundance of individual molecular species in the mother's circulation.



引言本研究的动机是该报告指出婴儿的发育与婴儿血浆中的特定脂质相关。目的假设是这些候选生物标志物的丰度受婴儿饮食摄入的影响。方法该研究由来自西非一个小地区的30对纯母乳喂养的母婴组成。产后3个月内24小时内收集母亲的血浆和牛奶以及婴儿的血浆。使用直接输注MS在正离子和负离子模式下调查了脂质,固醇和甘油酯的组成。分析采用单变量和多变量检验的组合。结果母亲和婴儿血浆样品的脂质谱相似但可区分,并且都不同于牛奶。磷脂酰胆碱(PC),母亲相对于婴儿的胆固醇酯(CEs)和胆固醇含量更高,例如,母亲的PC(34:1)为5.66%,而婴儿为3.61%(p = 3.60×10-10),CE(18:2 )在母亲中为8.05%,在婴儿中为5.18%(p = 1.37×10-11),而母亲的TG相对于婴儿而言较低,例如,母亲的TG(52:2)为2.74%,婴儿为4.23%( p = 1.63×10-05)。一个潜在的结构模型表明,婴儿血浆中的四个脂质以前被证明是生物标志物,在母体循环中聚集有胆固醇酯。结论本研究发现有证据表明,与婴儿发育有关的单个脂质同工型的丰富与母亲循环中单个分子种类的丰富有关。