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Immunocytochemical Labeling of Rhabdomeric Proteins in Drosophila Photoreceptor Cells Is Compromised by a Light-dependent Technical Artifact.
Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-27 , DOI: 10.1369/0022155419859870
Krystina Schopf 1 , Thomas K Smylla 1 , Armin Huber 1

Drosophila photoreceptor cells are employed as a model system for studying membrane protein transport. Phototransduction proteins like rhodopsin and the light-activated TRPL ion channel are transported within the photoreceptor cell, and they change their subcellular distribution in a light-dependent way. Investigating the transport mechanisms for rhodopsin and ion channels requires accurate histochemical methods for protein localization. By using immunocytochemistry the light-triggered translocation of TRPL has been described as a two-stage process. In stage 1, TRPL accumulates at the rhabdomere base and the adjacent stalk membrane a few minutes after onset of illumination and is internalized in stage 2 by endocytosis after prolonged light exposure. Here, we show that a commonly observed crescent shaped antibody labeling pattern suggesting a fast translocation of rhodopsin, TRP, and TRPL to the rhabdomere base is a light-dependent antibody staining artifact. This artifact is most probably caused by the profound structural changes in the microvillar membranes of rhabdomeres that result from activation of the signaling cascade. By using alternative labeling methods, either eGFP-tags or the self-labeling SNAP-tag, we show that light activation of TRPL transport indeed results in fast changes of the TRPL distribution in the rhabdomere but not in the way described previously.


