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Costs of reproduction in a long-lived female primate: injury risk and wound healing
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2014-04-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s00265-014-1729-4
Elizabeth A Archie 1 , Jeanne Altmann 2 , Susan C Alberts 3

SummaryReproduction is a notoriously costly phase of life, exposing individuals to injury, infectious disease, and energetic trade-offs. The strength of these costs should be influenced by life history strategies, and in long-lived species, females may be selected to mitigate costs of reproduction because life span is such an important component of their reproductive success. Here, we report evidence for two costs of reproduction that may influence survival in wild female baboons—injury risk and delayed wound healing. Based on 29 years of observations in the Amboseli ecosystem, Kenya, we found that wild female baboons experienced the highest risk of injury on days when they were most likely to be ovulating. In addition, lactating females healed from wounds more slowly than pregnant or cycling females, indicating a possible trade-off between lactation and immune function. We also found variation in injury risk and wound healing with dominance rank and age: Older and low-status females were more likely to be injured than younger or high-status females, and older females exhibited slower healing than younger females. Our results support the idea that wild nonhuman primates experience energetic and immune costs of reproduction and they help illuminate life history trade-offs in long-lived species.



摘要 众所周知,繁殖是生命中代价高昂的阶段,使个体面临伤害、传染病和能量消耗。这些成本的强度应该受到生活史策略的影响,并且在长寿物种中,可以选择雌性来降低繁殖成本,因为寿命是其繁殖成功的重要组成部分。在这里,我们报告了可能影响野生雌性狒狒生存的两种繁殖成本的证据——受伤风险和伤口愈合延迟。根据对肯尼亚安博塞利生态系统 29 年的观察,我们发现野生雌性狒狒在最有可能排卵的日子里遭受伤害的风险最高。此外,哺乳期的女性伤口愈合速度比怀孕或骑自行车的女性慢,这表明哺乳期和免疫功能之间可能存在权衡。我们还发现受伤风险和伤口愈合随主导地位和年龄的变化而变化:年长和地位低下的女性比年轻或地位高的女性更容易受伤,而年长的女性比年轻的女性愈合更慢。我们的研究结果支持这样的观点,即野生非人类灵长类动物在繁殖时会经历能量和免疫成本,并且有助于阐明长寿物种的生活史权衡。