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Reinforcer pathology among cigarette smokers with and without history of alcohol use disorder.
Psicothema ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-22 , DOI: 10.7334/psicothema2019.10
Alba González-Roz 1 , Álvaro Postigo , Gema Aonso-Diego , Ángel García-Pérez , Roberto Secades-Villa

BACKGROUND Delay discounting (DD) and cigarette demand contribute to an understanding of nicotine reward and dependence. However, no prior attempt has been made to examine the effect of a history of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) on DD and tobacco demand in current smokers. This study sought to compare DD and cigarette demand in smokers with and without a history of AUD. METHODS The sample comprised 43 smokers with a history of AUD and 49 with no history of drug use. Participants completed the DD task and the 19-item version of the Cigarette Purchase Task. Mazur's equation and the Koffarnus et al. model were used to derive the discounting rates and elasticity of demand, respectively. RESULTS Smokers with a history of AUD discounted delayed rewards more steeply (Mlogk= -1.77, SD=1.46) than those without such a history (Mlogk= -2.32, SD=1.04). No statistically significant differences in cigarette demand emerged between groups. CONCLUSIONS The excessive preference for immediate rewards in smokers with a history of AUD suggests that impulsive choice persists even after alcohol abstinence. As DD constitutes an important marker of poor treatment outcomes, targeting this specific facet of impulsivity in broader clinical interventions might be helpful.



背景技术延迟折扣(DD)和香烟需求有助于理解尼古丁的奖励和依赖性。但是,没有进行过尝试来研究酒精使用障碍(AUD)历史对当前吸烟者的DD和烟草需求的影响。这项研究试图比较有和没有澳元病史的吸烟者的DD和香烟需求。方法该样本包括43名有AUD病史的吸烟者和49名无吸毒史的吸烟者。参与者完成了DD任务和19项版本的“香烟购买任务”。Mazur方程和Koffarnus等。该模型分别用于得出折现率和需求弹性。结果与没有此类病史的吸烟者(Mlogk = -2.32,SD = 1.04)相比,具有澳元历史的吸烟者对延迟奖励的折扣更大(Mlogk = -1.77,SD = 1.46)。各组之间在香烟需求上没有统计学上的显着差异。结论患有澳元病史的吸烟者过分倾向于立即获得奖励,这表明即使戒酒后,冲动选择仍然存在。由于DD构成不良治疗结果的重要标志,因此在更广泛的临床干预措施中针对冲动的这一特定方面可能会有所帮助。