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Green infrastructure and its catchment-scale effects: an emerging science.
WIREs Water ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-28 , DOI: 10.1002/wat2.1254
Heather E Golden 1 , Nahal Hoghooghi 2

Urbanizing environments alter the hydrological cycle by redirecting stream networks for stormwater and wastewater transmission and increasing impermeable surfaces. These changes thereby accelerate the runoff of water and its constituents following precipitation events, alter evapotranspiration processes, and indirectly modify surface precipitation patterns. Green infrastructure, or low‐impact development (LID), can be used as a standalone practice or in concert with gray infrastructure (traditional stormwater management approaches) for cost‐efficient, decentralized stormwater management. The growth in LID over the past several decades has resulted in a concomitant increase in research evaluating LID efficiency and effectiveness, but mostly at localized scales. There is a clear research need to quantify how LID practices affect water quantity (i.e., runoff and discharge) and quality at the scale of catchments. In this overview, we present the state of the science of LID research at the local scale, considerations for scaling this research to catchments, recent advances and findings in scaling the effects of LID practices on water quality and quantity at catchment scales, and the use of models as novel tools for these scaling efforts. WIREs Water 2018, 5:e1254. doi: 10.1002/wat2.1254



城市化环境通过改变河流网络的方向来改变雨水循环,以传输雨水和废水并增加不透水表面。这些变化从而加速了降水事件之后水及其成分的径流,改变了蒸散过程,并间接改变了地表降水模式。绿色基础设施或低影响力开发(LID)可以作为独立实践使用,也可以与灰色基础设施(传统雨水管理方法)配合使用,以实现经济高效的分散式雨水管理。在过去的几十年中,LID的增长导致评估LID效率和有效性的研究伴随增加,但大部分是局部的。有明确的研究需要量化LID做法如何影响水量(即 径流和流量)和流域规模的质量。在此概述中,我们介绍了地方规模的LID研究的科学状况,将该研究扩展到集水区的考虑因素,在扩展LID做法对集水区规模的水质和水量的影响方面的最新进展和发现以及使用模型作为这些扩展工作的新颖工具。电线水2018,5:e1254。doi:10.1002 / wat2.1254