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Retracting Inconclusive Research: Lessons from the Séralini GM Maize Feeding Study
Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2015-04-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s10806-015-9546-y
David B Resnik 1

In September 2012, Gilles-Eric Séralini and seven coauthors published an article in Food and Chemical Toxicology claiming that rats fed Roundup©-resistant genetically modified maize alone, genetically modified maize with Roundup©, or Roundup© for 2 years had a higher percentage of tumors and kidney and liver damage than normal controls. Shortly after this study was published, numerous scientists and several scientific organizations criticized the research as methodologically and ethically flawed. In January 2014, the journal retracted the article without the authors’ consent on the grounds that the research was inconclusive. In June 2014, Environmental Sciences Europe published a slightly modified version of the retracted paper. The publication, retraction and subsequent republication of the Séralini study raise important scientific and ethical issues for journal editors. Decisions to retract an article should be made on the basis of well-established policies. Articles should be retracted only for serious errors that undermine the reliability of the data or results, or for serious ethical lapses, such as research misconduct or mistreatment of animal or human subjects. Inconclusiveness, by itself, is not a sufficient reason for retracting an article, though a flawed study design might be. Retracted articles that are submitted for republication should undergo scientific review to ensure that they meet appropriate standards. Republished articles should be linked to the original, retracted publication. Journals that are reviewing studies with significant scientific and social implications should take special care to ensure that peer review is rigorous and fair.



2012 年 9 月,Gilles-Eric Séralini 和七位合著者在 Food and Chemical Toxicology 上发表了一篇文章,声称单独喂食抗农达® 转基因玉米、含有农达® 的转基因玉米或农达® 2 年的老鼠,肿瘤和肾和肝损害高于正常对照。这项研究发表后不久,许多科学家和几个科学组织批评这项研究在方法论和伦理上都有缺陷。2014 年 1 月,该杂志以研究没有定论为由,在未经作者同意的情况下撤回了这篇文章。2014 年 6 月,Environmental Sciences Europe 发表了对撤稿论文的略微修改版本。该出版物,塞拉利尼研究的撤回和随后的再版给期刊编辑带来了重要的科学和伦理问题。撤回文章的决定应基于既定的政策。只有在严重错误破坏数据或结果的可靠性,或严重的道德失误,如研究不当或虐待动物或人类受试者时,才应撤回文章。不确定性本身并不是撤回文章的充分理由,尽管有缺陷的研究设计可能是。提交再版的撤回文章应经过科学审查,以确保它们符合适当的标准。重新发表的文章应链接到原始的、撤回的出版物。