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Enhancer and promoter interactions-long distance calls.
Current Opinion in Genetics & Development ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2011-12-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gde.2011.11.001
Ivan Krivega 1 , Ann Dean

In metazoans, enhancers of gene transcription must often exert their effects over tens of kilobases of DNA. Over the past decade it has become clear that to do this, enhancers come into close proximity with target promoters with the looping away of intervening sequences. In a few cases proteins that are involved in the establishment or maintenance of these loops have been revealed but how the proper gene target is selected remains mysterious. Chromatin insulators had been appreciated as elements that play a role in enhancer fidelity through their enhancer blocking or barrier activity. However, recent work suggests more direct participation of insulators in enhancer-gene interactions. The emerging view begins to incorporate transcription activation by distant enhancers with large scale nuclear architecture and subnuclear movement.



在后生动物中,基因转录增强子通常必须在数十个碱基的 DNA 上发挥作用。在过去的十年中,我们已经清楚地意识到,为了做到这一点,增强子必须与目标启动子紧密接近,并环离介入序列。在少数情况下,参与这些环的建立或维持的蛋白质已经被揭示,但如何选择正确的基因靶标仍然是个谜。染色质绝缘子被认为是通过其增强子阻断或屏障活性在增强子保真度中发挥作用的元素。然而,最近的工作表明绝缘子更直接地参与增强子-基因相互作用。新兴的观点开始将远距离增强子的转录激活与大规模核结构和亚核运动结合起来。