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HLA class I allele lineages and haplotype frequencies in Arabs of the United Arab Emirates
International Journal of Immunogenetics ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-20 , DOI: 10.1111/iji.12418
Jerzy K Kulski 1 , Habiba S AlSafar 2, 3 , Aurelie Mawart 2 , Andreas Henschel 4 , Guan K Tay 1, 2, 3

The high degree of polymorphism of the HLA system provides suitable genetic markers to study the diversity and migration of different world populations and is beneficial for forensic identification, anthropology, transplantation and disease associations. Although the United Arab Emirates (UAE) population of about nine million people is heterogeneous, information is limited for the HLA class I allele and haplotype frequencies of the Bedouin ethnic group. We performed low‐resolution PCR‐SSP genotyping of three HLA class I loci at HLA‐A, ‐B and ‐C for 95 unrelated healthy Bedouins from the cities of Al Ain and Abu Dhabi in the UAE. A total of 54 HLA allele lineages were detected; the most frequent low‐resolution allele lineages at each HLA locus were A*02 (0.268), B*51 (0.163) and C*07 (0.216). The inferred estimates for the two most frequent HLA‐A and HLA‐B haplotypes were HLA‐A*02 ~ HLA‐B*50 (0.070) and HLA‐A*02 ~ HLA‐B*51 (0.051), and the most frequent 3‐locus haplotype was HLA‐A*02 ~ HLA‐B*50 ~ HLA‐C*06 (0.068). The HLA allele lineage frequencies of the UAE Arabs were compared to those previously reported for 70 other world populations, and a strong genetic similarity was detected between the UAE Arabs and the Saudi Arabians from the west with evidence of a limited gene flow between the UAE Arabs and Pakistani across the Gulf from the east, and the UAE Arabs and Omani from the south of the Gulf Peninsula.


阿拉伯联合酋长国阿拉伯人的 HLA I 类等位基因谱系和单倍型频率

HLA系统的高度多态性为研究世界不同人群的多样性和迁徙提供了合适的遗传标记,有利于法医鉴定、人类学、移植和疾病关联。尽管阿拉伯联合酋长国 (UAE) 人口约 900 万是异质的,但关于贝都因族群的 HLA I 类等位基因和单倍型频率的信息有限。我们对来自阿联酋艾因市和阿布扎比市的 95 名不相关的健康贝都因人在 HLA-A、-B 和 -C 处的三个 HLA I 类基因座进行了低分辨率 PCR-SSP 基因分型。共检测到 54 个 HLA 等位基因谱系;每个 HLA 位点最常见的低分辨率等位基因谱系是 A*02 (0.268)、B*51 (0.163) 和 C*07 (0.216)。两种最常见的 HLA-A 和 HLA-B 单倍型的推断估计值是 HLA-A*02 ~ HLA-B*50 (0.070) 和 HLA-A*02 ~ HLA-B*51 (0.051),并且最常见的 3 位点单倍型为 HLA-A*02 ~ HLA-B*50 ~ HLA-C*06 (0.068)。将阿联酋阿拉伯人的 HLA 等位基因谱系频率与之前报道的其他 70 个世界人口的频率进行比较,在阿联酋阿拉伯人和来自西方的沙特阿拉伯人之间检测到很强的遗传相似性,有证据表明阿联酋阿拉伯人之间的基因流动有限和巴基斯坦人从东部穿过海湾,阿联酋阿拉伯人和阿曼人从海湾半岛南部穿过。