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Urban wild meat consumption and trade in central Amazonia
Conservation Biology ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13420
Hani R El Bizri 1, 2, 3, 4 , Thaís Q Morcatty 2, 5 , João Valsecchi 2, 3, 4 , Pedro Mayor 3, 6, 7 , Jéssica E S Ribeiro 2 , Carlos F A Vasconcelos Neto 2 , Jéssica S Oliveira 2 , Keilla M Furtado 2 , Urânia C Ferreira 2 , Carlos F S Miranda 2 , Ciclene H Silva 2 , Valdinei L Lopes 2 , Gerson P Lopes 2, 8 , Caio C F Florindo 2, 9 , Romerson C Chagas 2 , Vincent Nijman 5 , John E Fa 1, 10

The switch from hunting wild meat for home consumption to supplying more lucrative city markets in Amazonia can adversely affect some game species. Despite this, information on the amounts of wild meat eaten in Amazonian cities is still limited. We estimated wild meat consumption rates in 5 cities in the State of Amazonas in Brazil through 1,046 door-to-door household interviews conducted from 2004 to 2012. With these data, we modeled the relationship between wild meat use and a selection of socioeconomic indices. We then scaled up our model to determine the amounts of wild meat likely to be consumed annually in the 62 urban centers in central Amazonia. A total of 80.3% of all interviewees reported consuming wild meat during an average of 29.3 (CI 11.6) days per year. Most wild meat was reported as bought in local markets (80.1%) or hunted by a family member (14.9%). Twenty-one taxa were cited as consumed, mostly mammals (71.6%), followed by reptiles (23.2%) and then birds (5.2%). The declared frequency of wild meat consumption was positively correlated with the proportion of rural population as well as with the per-capita gross domestic product of the municipality (administrative divisions) where the cities were seated. We estimated that as much as 10,691 t of wild meat might be consumed annually in the 62 urban centers within central Amazonia, the equivalent of 6.49 kg/person/year. In monetary terms, this amounts to US$21.58 /person/year or US$35.1 million overall, the latter figure is comparable to mineral and timber production in the region. Given this magnitude of wild meat trade in central Amazonia, it is fundamental to integrate this activity into the formal economy and actively develop policies that allow the trade of more resilient taxa and restrict trade in species sensitive to hunting. Article Impact Statement: In central Amazonia, wild meat is widely consumed by urban residents; its trade generates as much as the mineral and timber industries. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.



从为家庭消费捕猎野生肉类到供应亚马逊地区利润更高的城市市场的转变可能会对某些猎物物种产生不利影响。尽管如此,关于亚马逊城市食用野生肉类数量的信息仍然有限。我们通过 2004 年至 2012 年进行的 1,046 次上门家庭访谈估算了巴西亚马逊州 5 个城市的野生肉类消费率。利用这些数据,我们对野生肉类使用与一系列社会经济指标之间的关系进行了建模。然后,我们扩大了我们的模型,以确定亚马逊中部 62 个城市中心每年可能消耗的野生肉类数量。共有 80.3% 的受访者表示,每年平均有 29.3 (CI 11.6) 天食用野生肉类。大多数野生肉类据报道是在当地市场购买的(80. 1%) 或被家庭成员猎杀 (14.9%)。有 21 个分类群被引用为消耗品,主要是哺乳动物 (71.6%),其次是爬行动物 (23.2%),然后是鸟类 (5.2%)。公布的野生肉类消费频率与农村人口比例以及城市所在的直辖市(行政区划)的人均国内生产总值呈正相关。我们估计亚马逊中部地区的 62 个城市中心每年可能消耗多达 10,691 吨的野生肉类,相当于 6.49 公斤/人/年。从货币角度来看,这相当于 21.58 美元/人/年或总计 3510 万美元,后者与该地区的矿产和木材生产相当。鉴于亚马逊河中部的野生肉类贸易量如此之大,将这项活动纳入正规经济并积极制定政策,允许更具弹性的分类群进行贸易并限制对狩猎敏感的物种贸易,这一点至关重要。文章影响声明:在亚马逊中部,城市居民广泛食用野生肉类;它的贸易与矿产和木材工业一样多。本文受版权保护。版权所有。