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New nonbinary code bounds based on divisibility arguments
Designs, Codes and Cryptography ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-05-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s10623-017-0366-0
Sven C Polak 1

For $$q,n,d \in \mathbb {N}$$q,n,d∈N, let $$A_q(n,d)$$Aq(n,d) be the maximum size of a code $$C \subseteq [q]^n$$C⊆[q]n with minimum distance at least d. We give a divisibility argument resulting in the new upper bounds $$A_5(8,6) \le 65$$A5(8,6)≤65, $$A_4(11,8)\le 60$$A4(11,8)≤60 and $$A_3(16,11) \le 29$$A3(16,11)≤29. These in turn imply the new upper bounds $$A_5(9,6) \le 325$$A5(9,6)≤325, $$A_5(10,6) \le 1625$$A5(10,6)≤1625, $$A_5(11,6) \le 8125$$A5(11,6)≤8125 and $$A_4(12,8) \le 240$$A4(12,8)≤240. Furthermore, we prove that for $$\mu ,q \in \mathbb {N}$$μ,q∈N, there is a 1–1-correspondence between symmetric $$(\mu ,q)$$(μ,q)-nets (which are certain designs) and codes $$C \subseteq [q]^{\mu q}$$C⊆[q]μq of size $$\mu q^2$$μq2 with minimum distance at least $$\mu q - \mu $$μq-μ. We derive the new upper bounds $$A_4(9,6) \le 120$$A4(9,6)≤120 and $$A_4(10,6) \le 480$$A4(10,6)≤480 from these ‘symmetric net’ codes.



对于 $$q,n,d \in \mathbb {N}$$q,n,d∈N,令 $$A_q(n,d)$$Aq(n,d) 为代码 $ 的最大大小$C \subseteq [q]^n$$C⊆[q]n,最小距离至少为 d。我们给出一个可除性参数,得到新的上界 $$A_5(8,6) \le 65$$A5(8,6)≤65, $$A_4(11,8)\le 60$$A4(11, 8)≤60 且 $$A_3(16,11) \le 29$$A3(16,11)≤29。这些又意味着新的上界 $$A_5(9,6) \le 325$$A5(9,6)≤325, $$A_5(10,6) \le 1625$$A5(10,6)≤ 1625,$$A_5(11,6)\le 8125$$A5(11,6)≤8125 和 $$A_4(12,8)\le 240$$A4(12,8)≤240。此外,我们证明对于 $$\mu ,q \in \mathbb {N}$$μ,q∈N,对称 $$(\mu ,q)$$(μ, q)-nets(这是某些设计)和代码 $$C \subseteq [q]^{\mu q}$$C⊆[q]μq 大小为 $$\mu q^2$$μq2 ,最小距离为最小 $$\mu q - \mu $$μq-μ。我们推导出新的上界 $$A_4(9,6) \le 120$$A4(9,