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How the 21st Century Cures Act Can Mitigate the Ever Growing Problem of Mass Incarceration
American Journal of Law & Medicine ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-14 , DOI: 10.1177/0098858818789416
Jennifer S Bard 1

By the time this article is published, our collective memory of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida could have faded or, even worse, been superseded by another mass shooting. Although details are still sparse, the perpetrator appears to be a 19-year-old man with a well-documented history of behavior disturbing enough to invoke referrals to mental health treatment, but not so disturbing as to warrant either commitment or even arrest. Unfortunately, the picture presented is one most familiar in the public imagination of how people with mental illness interact with the criminal justice system. In actuality, the violence of the perpetrator's crime makes him very untypical of the vast majority of people with mental illness who are no more likely to be violent than any other member of the general public.This Article will first describe the current situation in which people with mental illness have become part of the growing mass incarceration problem in the United States.


21 世纪治愈法案如何缓解日益严重的大规模监禁问题

到本文发表时,我们对佛罗里达州帕克兰学校枪击事件的集体记忆可能已经消退,或者更糟糕的是,被另一场大规模枪击事件所取代。虽然细节仍然很少,但肇事者似乎是一名 19 岁的男子,他有充分记录的令人不安的行为历史,足以要求转诊接受心理健康治疗,但并不令人不安,以至于需要承诺甚至逮捕。不幸的是,所呈现的画面是公众对精神疾病患者如何与刑事司法系统互动的想象中最熟悉的画面。实际上,犯罪者犯罪的暴力性使他在绝大多数精神疾病患者中非常不典型,他们不会比任何其他普通大众成员更可能暴力。