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eeFit: a Microsoft Excel-embedded program for interactive analysis and fitting of experimental dose-response data.
Biotechniques ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-4-17 , DOI: 10.2144/btn-2018-0136
Michel Vivaudou 1, 2

We present here a software program dedicated to the fitting of experimental dose-response data, which integrates seamlessly with Excel and allows curve fitting plots and results to reside alongside data within Excel spreadsheets. The program, named eeFit, for Excel-Embedded Fitting software, requires no advanced knowledge of Excel or non-linear least-squares fitting. Any experimental data present in an Excel file, such as dose-effect data obtained with membrane receptor or ion channel ligands, can be graphed and fitted interactively with standard Hill models for activation or inhibition, or with more complex models for biphasic effects resulting from combinations of activation and inhibition. When benchmarked against the commercial program Origin, eeFit yielded equivalent or better results, in terms of accuracy and convergence, and proved much easier to learn and use.


eeFit:一个Microsoft Excel嵌入式程序,用于交互式分析和拟合实验剂量反应数据。

我们在这里介绍专用于拟合实验剂量反应数据的软件程序,该程序与Excel无缝集成,并允许曲线拟合图和结果与Excel电子表格中的数据一起保存。用于Excel嵌入拟合软件的名为eeFit的程序不需要任何高级Excel知识或非线性最小二乘拟合。Excel文件中存在的任何实验数据,例如使用膜受体或离子通道配体获得的剂量效应数据,都可以绘制图形并与标准的Hill模型进行交互或拟合,以进行激活或抑制,或者与更复杂的模型进行组合以产生双相效应和抑制作用 以商业计划Origin为基准,eeFit在准确性和收敛性方面产生了同等或更好的结果,