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Wage and Employment Growth in America's Drug Epidemic: Is All Growth Created Equal?
American Journal of Agricultural Economics ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-11 , DOI: 10.1093/ajae/aay069
Michael R Betz 1 , Lauren E Jones 1

&NA; The rise in drug overdose deaths in the United States since the turn of the millennium has been extraordinary. A popular narrative paints a picture whereby opioid overdoses among white, male, less‐educated, rural workers have been caused by reduced economic opportunities borne by such people. In this article, we causally test the validity of this theory by using Bartik‐type variables to explore the relationship between local economic conditions and county opioid overdose death rates. We add to the literature by exploring how both employment and wage growth in different types of industries are related to opioid overdose deaths for the population as a whole, as well as for rural (vs. urban), male (vs. female) and white (vs. black) populations. We find mixed evidence. Our results confirm that wage and employment growth in industries more likely to employ low‐skill workers are important protective factors for rural, white males. However, we also find evidence that economic improvements in low‐skill industries are just as important in protecting blacks and women against opioid overdoses, and for workers in metro counties. We also find evidence that employment growth in high‐paying industries has led to increases in opioid overdoes rates.



&NA; 自世纪之交以来,美国因药物过量死亡的人数急剧增加。一种流行的说法描绘了这样一种情况:白人、男性、受教育程度较低的农村工人中阿片类药物过量是由于这些人的经济机会减少造成的。在本文中,我们通过使用 Bartik 型变量探索当地经济状况与县阿片类药物过量死亡率之间的关系来检验该理论的有效性。我们通过探索不同类型行业的就业和工资增长与整个人口以及农村(与城市)、男性(与女性)和白人的阿片类药物过量死亡之间的关系来补充文献(相对于黑人)人口。我们发现了混合的证据。我们的结果证实,更有可能雇用低技能工人的行业的工资和就业增长是农村白人男性的重要保护因素。然而,我们也发现证据表明,低技能行业的经济改善对于保护黑人和妇女免遭阿片类药物过量使用以及大都会县的工人同样重要。我们还发现证据表明,高薪行业的就业增长导致阿片类药物过量使用率上升。