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Development and evaluation of an elective course of pharmacist’s roles in disaster management in France
Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions ( IF 9.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-15 , DOI: 10.3352/jeehp.2019.16.19
Marc Montana 1, 2, 3 , Fanny Mathias 1 , Pascal Rathelot 1, 4 , Jérôme Lacroix 3 , Patrice Vanelle 1, 4

Purpose To describe Faculty of Pharmacy experience in the development of an elective course of pharmacist's roles in disaster management for third-year pharmacy students and to evaluate the effectiveness of this innovative teaching module in students' knowledge and their perception of the introduction of this specific course into their curriculum. Methods An expert team of physicians, surgeons and pharmacists of the Service de Santé des Armées, pharmacists teaching at the Faculty and pharmacists of Bataillon des Marins Pompiers de Marseille defined the program of a 30-hour module in disaster response in line with previously published recommendations, literature analysis and international guidelines on disaster response training. Students' knowledge of key competencies was assessed after each teaching session through a multiple-choice questionnaire. Assessment of self-perceived students' knowledge, teaching quality and students' degree of satisfaction was carried out using a volunteer survey just after the last teaching, the November 15th. Results The creation of the final curriculum resulted in a course of 6 modules. Concerning the students' knowledge of key competencies, a mean score of 19/25 for the multiple-choice questionnaire was obtained. 98.3% of students reported that this teaching allowed them to improve their knowledge in the field of pharmacist's roles in disaster management. 79.3% of them will recommend this optional course. Conclusion This teaching represents a potential to increase the number of pharmacists prepared to respond to disasters. It also expands students' understanding of pharmacist's roles and stimulates their interest in emergency preparedness. Further formation, including emergency simulation in mass triage will be conducted next year.



目的 描述药学院在为三年级药学学生开设药剂师在灾难管理中的角色选修课程方面的经验,并评估这一创新教学模块在学生知识方面的有效性以及他们对引入该特定课程的看法进入他们的课程。方法 一个由法国军队的内科医生、外科医生和药剂师组成的专家团队、在该学院任教的药剂师和马赛庞皮尔斯马赛的药剂师根据先前发布的建议确定了一个 30 小时的灾难响应模块计划、文献分析和国际救灾培训指南。学生们' 每次教学后通过多项选择问卷评估关键能力的知识。在最后一次教学后,即 11 月 15 日,使用志愿者调查对学生自我感知的知识、教学质量和学生满意度进行了评估。结果 最终课程的创建产生了 6 个模块的课程。关于学生对关键能力的了解,多项选择问卷的平均得分为 19/25。98.3% 的学生报告说,这种教学使他们能够提高他们在药剂师在灾害管理中的作用领域的知识。79.3%的人会推荐这门选修课。结论 该教学代表了增加准备应对灾难的药剂师数量的潜力。它还扩大了学生对药剂师角色的理解,激发了他们对应急准备的兴趣。明年将进行进一步的编队,包括大规模分流中的紧急模拟。