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The “Petri” Dish: A Case of Simultaneous Invention in Bacteriology
Endeavour ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.endeavour.2019.04.001
Gilbert Shama 1

Richard Julius Petri's status as inventor of the culture dish that bears his name has been subject to a number of challenges over the years. Both those bacteriologists who claimed self-recognition for the invention, and those to whom it was attributed by their various advocates were all contemporaries of Petri. The evidence assembled here indicates that no single individual-including Petri-ought to be accorded credit for the inception of that shallow, circular, covered culture dish which, it transpires, is a simultaneous invention made by half a dozen bacteriologists active in the mid-1880s and ultimately owes its emergence to the prevailing bacteriological zeitgeist.



多年来,理查德·朱利叶斯·佩特里 (Richard Julius Petri) 作为以他的名字命名的培养皿的发明者身份一直受到许多挑战。那些声称对这项发明有自我认可的细菌学家,以及那些被他们的各种拥护者认为是这项发明的人,都是 Petri 的同时代人。这里收集的证据表明,没有任何一个人——包括皮特里——应该因为那个浅的、圆形的、有盖的培养皿的诞生而受到赞扬,事实证明,它是由六位活跃于中期的细菌学家同时发明的。 1880 年代,并最终归功于盛行的细菌学时代精神。