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Willingness to Undergo a Risky Treatment to Improve Cognition Among Persons With Cognitive Impairment Who Received an Amyloid PET Scan.
Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1097/wad.0000000000000338
Eric Jutkowitz 1, 2 , Courtney H Van Houtven 3, 4 , Brenda L Plassman 5, 6 , Vincent Mor 1, 2

OBJECTIVE To evaluate determinants of willingness to accept a treatment to return memory to normal among persons with cognitive impairment who received an amyloid positron emission tomography (PET) scan and their care partner and discordance in risk taking. METHODS Using data from CARE-IDEAS (n=1872 dyads), a supplement of the Imaging Dementia-Evidence for Amyloid Scanning study, we predicted scan recipient's willingness to accept a risky treatment, the risk care partners believed their care recipient would accept, and discordance in these perceptions. RESULTS Scan recipients were willing to accept a treatment with a 27.94% (SD=34.36) risk of death. Care partners believed their care recipient would accept a 29.68% (SD=33.74) risk of death; thus, overestimating risk acceptance by 1.74 (SD=41.88) percentage points. A positive amyloid PET scan was associated with willingness to accept greater risk. Poorer functioning of the care recipient was associated with care partners believing their care recipient would accept more risk. The amyloid PET scan result was not significantly associated with discordance, but poorer functioning of the care recipient resulted in care partners overestimating risk. CONCLUSIONS Scan recipients were willing to accept a treatment with a high risk of death. Discordance was affected by scan recipient's having poorer functioning.


接受淀粉样蛋白 PET 扫描的认知障碍患者愿意接受危险的治疗以改善认知。

目的 评估接受淀粉样蛋白正电子发射断层扫描 (PET) 扫描的认知障碍患者及其护理伙伴是否愿意接受使记忆恢复正常的治疗的决定因素以及冒险行为的不一致。方法 使用 CARE-IDEAS(n=1872 组)(淀粉样蛋白扫描成像痴呆证据研究的补充)的数据,我们预测扫描接受者接受风险治疗的意愿,风险护理合作伙伴相信他们的护理接受者会接受,以及这些观念的不一致。结果 扫描接受者愿意接受死亡风险为 27.94% (SD=34.36) 的治疗。护理伙伴相信他们的护理接受者会接受 29.68% (SD=33.74) 的死亡风险;因此,风险接受度高估了 1.74 (SD=41.88) 个百分点。淀粉样蛋白 PET 扫描呈阳性与接受更大风险的意愿相关。被照顾者的功能较差与护理伙伴相信他们的被照顾者会接受更多的风险有关。淀粉样蛋白 PET 扫描结果与不一致没有显着相关,但护理接受者的功能较差导致护理伙伴高估了风险。结论 扫描接受者愿意接受死亡风险较高的治疗。不一致受到扫描接收者功能较差的影响。