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Description and Assessment of a Neurosurgery Shadowing and Research Program: A Paradigm for Early and Sustained Exposure to Academic Neurosurgery.
Translational Neuroscience ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-09 , DOI: 10.1515/tnsci-2019-0034
Phan Q Duy 1, 2, 3 , Serban Negoita 1, 4 , Uma V Mahajan 1, 5 , Nicholas S Diab 2 , Ank Agarwal 6 , Trisha Gupte 3 , Manish D Paranjpe 7 , William S Anderson 1

OBJECTIVE To describe and assess the educational value of a functional neurosurgery clinical shadowing and research tutorial for pre-medical trainees. DESIGN Program participants observed functional neurosurgery procedures and conducted basic science and clinical research in neurosurgery fields. Former participants completed a brief online survey to evaluate their perspectives and experiences throughout the tutorial. SETTING Department of Neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA. PARTICIPANTS 15 pre-medical and post-baccalaureate trainees participated in the tutorial. All former tutorial participants were emailed. RESULTS 11/15 former participants responded to the survey. Survey results suggest that the tutorial program increased participants' understanding of and interest in neurosurgery and related fields in neuroscience. CONCLUSIONS The functional neurosurgery medical tutorial provides valuable clinical and research exposure in neurosurgery fields for pre-medical trainees. Our work is a preliminary step in addressing the crucial challenge of training the next generation of neurosurgeon-scientists by providing a pedagogical paradigm for development of formal experiences that integrate original scientific research with clinical neurosurgery exposure.



目的 描述和评估功能性神经外科临床阴影和研究教程对医学预科学员的教育价值。设计计划参与者观察了功能性神经外科手术,并在神经外科领域进行了基础科学和临床研究。前参与者完成了一项简短的在线调查,以评估他们在整个教程中的观点和经验。设置 美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市约翰霍普金斯大学医学院神经外科。参与者 15 名医学预科和学士学位后学员参加了该教程。所有以前的教程参与者都收到了电子邮件。结果 11/15 前参与者对调查做出了回应。调查结果表明,辅导计划增加了参与者的 对神经外科和神经科学相关领域的理解和兴趣。结论 功能性神经外科医学教程为医学预科学员提供了神经外科领域宝贵的临床和研究机会。我们的工作是解决培养下一代神经外科医生的关键挑战的第一步,它提供了一个教学范式,用于发展将原始科学研究与临床神经外科暴露相结合的正式经验。