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Extraintestinal Acanthocephalan Oncicola venezuelensis (Oligacanthorhynchidae) in Small Indian Mongooses (Herpestes auropunctatus) and African Green Monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus).
Veterinary Pathology ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-06 , DOI: 10.1177/0300985819848502
Anne A M J Becker 1 , Sreekumari Rajeev 1 , Mark A Freeman 1 , Amy Beierschmitt 1, 2 , Victoria Savinon 1 , Judit M Wulcan 1 , Pompei Bolfa 1

We identified multiple extraintestinal cystacanths during routine postmortem examination of 3 small Indian mongooses and 2 African green monkeys from the Caribbean island of St. Kitts. In mongooses, cystacanths were encysted or free in the subcutaneous tissue, skeletal muscle, or peritoneal or pericardial cavities, whereas in the monkeys, they were in the cavity and parietal layer of the, tunica vaginalis, skeletal muscle, and peritoneal cavity. Morphological, histological, and molecular characterization identified these cystacanths as Oncicola venezuelensis (Acanthocephala: Oligacanthorhynchidae). There was minimal to mild lymphoplasmacytic inflammation associated with the parasite in the mongooses and moderate inflammation, mineralization, hemorrhage, and fibrosis in the connective tissue between the testis and epididymis in 1 monkey. We identified a mature male O. venezuelensis attached in the aboral jejunum of a feral cat, confirming it as the definitive host. Termites serve as intermediate hosts and lizards as paratenic hosts. This report emphasizes the role of the small Indian mongoose and African green monkey as paratenic hosts for O. venezuelensis.


小印度猫鼬(Herpestes auropunctatus)和非洲绿猴(Chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus)的肠外棘头动物Ancicola venezuelensis(Oligacanthorhynchidae)。

在例行验尸期间,我们从加勒比海圣基茨岛上的3只小印度猫鼬和2只非洲绿猴中,我们发现了多个肠外囊藻。在猫鼬中,半胱氨酸被刺入或游离在皮下组织,骨骼肌或腹膜或心包腔中,而在猴子中,它们位于腔,阴道膜,骨骼肌和腹膜腔的顶壁层中。形态学,组织学和分子特征鉴定这些半胱氨酸为委内瑞拉Oncicola venezuelensis(Acanthocephala:Oligacanthorhynchidae)。在一只猴子中,猫鼬中的寄生虫相关的炎症微弱至轻度,而睾丸和附睾之间的结缔组织中有中等程度的炎症,矿化,出血和纤维化。我们确定了一只成熟的雄性委内瑞拉O. venezuelensis附着在一只野猫的空肠中,确认它是确定的宿主。白蚁作为中间宿主,而蜥蜴则作为副宿主。该报告强调了印度小猫鼬和非洲绿猴作为委内瑞拉疟原虫寄主的作用。