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The association of insulin-like growth factor-1 standard deviation score and height in Chinese children with type 1 diabetes mellitus.
Growth Factors ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-22 , DOI: 10.1080/08977194.2019.1573819
Wei Song 1, 2 , Yu Qiao 1 , Jiang Xue 2 , Fei Zhao 2 , Xin Yang 2 , Guimei Li 1

Assessing the relationship between IGF-1 and height in type 1 diabetes children. Seventy-two type 1 diabetes children and 190 controls were recruited. The height standard deviation score of type 1 diabetes children was significantly higher than controls. The height standard deviation score was higher than the target height standard deviation score in both type 1 diabetes and controls. Serum IGF-1 levels and the IGF-1 standard deviation score were significantly lower in type 1 diabetes patients compared with controls. There was a significant difference in IGF-1 standard deviation score between the good glycemic control group and control group. The height standard deviation score was significantly correlated with C-peptide and IGF-1 levels. Furthermore, the IGF-1 standard deviation score was significantly correlated with glycemic control and C-peptide. The growth hormone/IGF-1 axis is impaired in type 1 diabetes, but height with good or poor glycemic control is not impaired.
