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Under the radar or under arrest: How is adolescent boys' first contact with the juvenile justice system related to future offending and arrests?
Law and Human Behavior ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-01 , DOI: 10.1037/lhb0000340
Jordan Beardslee 1 , Sarah Miltimore 2 , Adam Fine 1 , Paul J Frick 3 , Laurence Steinberg 3 , Elizabeth Cauffman 2

This study examined the extent to which being arrested during adolescence was associated with subsequent self-reported offending and court-recorded arrests. We also examined whether the way in which the justice system processed adolescents was related to the nature of these associations. The sample included 532 boys who had been arrested ("justice-system-involved") and 99 boys who had never been arrested despite engaging in similar illegal behaviors ("no-justice-system-contact"). Data included official arrest records and youths' self-reported illegal behavior at a baseline interview and a follow-up 6 months later. To reduce group differences at baseline, we calculated matching weights with 2 dozen variables and used these weights in all analyses. Results demonstrated that the groups differed in their rate of change in self-reported offending between the 2 interviews and in their likelihood of being arrested during the study period. The no-justice-system-contact group self-reported the same amount of offending at baseline and the follow up, whereas the justice-system-involved youth who received the most lenient disposition (i.e., sanction and dismiss) decreased their self-reported violent, theft or property, and total offending, and the justice-system-involved youth who received the most punitive disposition (i.e., adjudication) increased their self-reported violent offending. All justice-system-involved youth were more likely to be arrested during the study period than the no-justice-system-contact youth, even after accounting for self-reported offending. Thus, even though some justice system interventions were associated with less subsequent offending, involvement with the juvenile justice system during adolescence, in and of itself, is a significant risk factor for repeated contact with the system. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved).



这项研究调查了在青春期被捕与随后自我报告的犯罪和法庭记录的逮捕的相关程度。我们还研究了司法系统处理青少年的方式是否与这些关联的性质有关。样本包括 532 名被逮捕的男孩(“涉及司法系统”)和 99 名尽管从事类似非法行为但从未被捕的男孩(“不接触司法系统”)。数据包括官方逮捕记录和青少年在基线访谈和 6 个月后的随访中自我报告的非法行为。为了减少基线的组差异,我们计算了 2 打变量的匹配权重,并在所有分析中使用了这些权重。结果表明,两组在两次访谈之间自我报告的犯罪变化率以及在研究期间被捕的可能性不同。无司法系统接触组在基线和后续行动中自我报告了相同数量的犯罪,而接受最宽松处置(即制裁和解雇)的司法系统参与青年减少了他们的自我报告暴力、盗窃或财产,以及完全犯罪,以及受到最惩罚性处置(即裁决)的参与司法系统的青年增加了他们自我报告的暴力犯罪。在研究期间,所有参与司法系统的青年都比没有接触司法系统的青年更有可能被捕,即使在考虑到自我报告的犯罪之后也是如此。因此,尽管某些司法系统干预措施与后续犯罪的减少有关,但在青春期参与少年司法系统本身就是反复接触该系统的一个重要风险因素。(PsycINFO 数据库记录 (c) 2019 APA,保留所有权利)。