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Mobilization and resistance in response to interrogation threat.
Law and Human Behavior ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-01 , DOI: 10.1037/lhb0000337
Max Guyll 1 , Yueran Yang 1 , Stephanie Madon 1 , Laura Smalarz 1 , Daniel G Lannin 1

This research tested whether the perception of threat during a police interrogation mobilizes suspects to cope with interrogation demands and bolsters their resistance to self-incrimination pressures. Experimental procedures led university undergraduates (N = 296) to engage in misconduct or not, thereby making them guilty or innocent. An experimenter then accused all participants of misconduct in either a threatening or nonthreatening way. High threat produced a broad pattern of mobilization entailing physiologic, cognitive, and behavioral components. Specifically, in comparison to the low threat accusation, the high threat accusation produced greater cardiovascular reactions, increased attentional bias and memory for accusation-relevant information, and strengthened resistance to self-incrimination. Furthermore, with the exception of physiologic reactions, these effects were similar for both guilty and innocent participants. Consistent with the phenomenology of innocence wherein the innocent perceive less threat from interrogation than do the guilty, the innocent evidenced smaller cardiovascular responses to high threat than did the guilty. Results suggest that the more threat that suspects experience, the more they will be mobilized to cope with interrogation demands and resist interpersonal pressure to self-incriminate, at least initially. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved).



这项研究测试了警察审讯过程中对威胁的感知是否动员了嫌疑人来应对审讯要求并增强了他们对自诉压力的抵抗力。实验程序导致大学本科生(N = 296)从事或不从事不当行为,从而使他们有罪或无辜。然后,实验者以威胁或非威胁的方式指责所有参与者的不当行为。高威胁产生了广泛的动员模式,需要生理,认知和行为方面的因素。具体而言,与低威胁指控相比,高威胁指控产生了更大的心血管反应,增加了对与指控有关的信息的注意力偏见和记忆,并增强了对自我指控的抵抗力。此外,除生理反应外,对有罪和无辜参与者的这些影响均相似。与无罪现象学相一致,在无罪现象学中,无辜者对讯问的威胁要少于对有罪感的威胁,无辜者对高危威胁的心血管反应比对有罪感的人要小。结果表明,犯罪嫌疑人经历的威胁越多,至少在最初阶段,他们动员起来越多,可以应付审讯要求并抵制人际交往中的自我要求。(PsycINFO数据库记录(c)2019 APA,保留所有权利)。无辜者对高危人群的心血管反应比认罪者要小。结果表明,犯罪嫌疑人经历的威胁越多,至少在最初阶段,他们动员起来越多,可以应付审讯要求并抵制人际交往中的自我要求。(PsycINFO数据库记录(c)2019 APA,保留所有权利)。无辜者对高危人群的心血管反应比有罪经历的要小。结果表明,至少在最初,犯罪嫌疑人经历的威胁越多,动员他们的能力就越多,他们可以应对审讯要求并抵制人际交往的压力。(PsycINFO数据库记录(c)2019 APA,保留所有权利)。