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Could mindfulness-based cognitive therapy prevent a lifelong recurrent course of depression or anxiety by addressing key mechanisms of vulnerability in high-risk adolescents?
The British Journal of Psychiatry ( IF 8.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-29 , DOI: 10.1192/bjp.2019.183
Tamsin Ford 1 , Jessica Richardson 2 , Kath Wilkinson 3 , Patrick Smith 4 , Vashti Berry 5 , Thorsten Barnhofer 6 , Jerry Fox 7 , Willem Kuyken 8

SummaryWe explore the potential of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, a skills-based intervention that provides participants with sustainable tools for adaptive responses to stress and negative mood, for the large group of young people with depression or anxiety who only partially or briefly respond to currently available first-line interventions.Declaration of interestT.B. is the co-author of a book on mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) and has received fees and honoraria for teaching MBCT workshops. W.K. is Director of the University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre. He donates all speaker fees to the not-for-profit Oxford Mindfulness Foundation. J.F. has been paid to deliver mindfulness-based intervention (MBI) programmes in the workplace and has delivered MBIs to elite performers at his own expense.



总结我们探索了基于正念的认知疗法的潜力,这是一种基于技能的干预措施,为参与者提供可持续的工具来适应压力和消极情绪,适用于大量患有抑郁症或焦虑症的年轻人,他们对当前只有部分或短暂的反应。可用的一线干预措施。利益声明T.B. 是一本关于正念认知疗法 (MBCT) 的书的合著者,并因教授 MBCT 讲习班而获得了费用和酬金。WK 是牛津大学正念中心的主任。他将所有演讲费用捐赠给非营利性牛津正念基金会。JF 已获得报酬,在工作场所提供基于正念的干预 (MBI) 计划,并自费向精英表演者提供 MBI。