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Perspectives on the Origin of Biological Homochirality on Earth.
Journal of Molecular Evolution ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s00239-019-09897-1
Koji Tamura 1, 2

The origin of biological homochirality on Earth has been an important unresolved issue in the field of molecular evolution and many hypotheses have been proposed to explain this. The most prevailing view may be that of astrobiologists, in that a slight enantiomeric excess of L-amino acids in meteorites can account for the origin. However, the view ignores two important factors: amino acid racemization, and the evolution and continuity of biological systems on Earth. Therefore, on the basis of these two standpoints, the plausibility of the hypothesis that chiral-selective tRNA aminoacylation could have led to crucial homochiral protein biosynthesis should be emphasized. Recent molecular dynamic simulations have clearly elucidated the mechanisms of enantiomer-specific aminoacylation. These studies strengthen the possibility that the hypothesized chiral selection of amino acids in biological systems actually occurred at the molecular level. It is significant to raise the points because the topic so far has tended to be expressed unclearly and ambiguously and also handled as such owing to its very nature.



地球上生物同手性的起源一直是分子进化领域中一个未解决的重要问题,并且已经提出了许多假设来解释这一点。最流行的观点可能是天体生物学家的观点,认为陨石中 L-氨基酸对映体的轻微过量可以解释其起源。然而,这种观点忽略了两个重要因素:氨基酸外消旋化以及地球上生物系统的进化和连续性。因此,基于这两个观点,应该强调手性选择性 tRNA 氨酰化可能导致关键的纯手性蛋白质生物合成这一假设的合理性。最近的分子动力学模拟已经清楚地阐明了对映体特异性氨酰化的机制。这些研究增强了生物系统中氨基酸的手性选择实际上发生在分子水平的可能性。提出这些观点很重要,因为迄今为止该主题的表达往往不明确且含糊不清,并且由于其本质而如此处理。