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Erratum to: The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) v2.0: atom typing, depiction, molecular formulas, and substructure searching.
Journal of Cheminformatics ( IF 8.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-20 , DOI: 10.1186/s13321-017-0231-1
Egon L Willighagen 1 , John W Mayfield 2 , Jonathan Alvarsson 3 , Arvid Berg 3 , Lars Carlsson 4 , Nina Jeliazkova 5 , Stefan Kuhn 6 , Tomáš Pluskal 7 , Miquel Rojas-Chertó 8 , Ola Spjuth 3 , Gilleain Torrance 9 , Chris T Evelo 1 , Rajarshi Guha 10 , Christoph Steinbeck 11

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  1. 1.

    Willighagen EL, Mayfield JW, Alvarsson J, Berg A, Carlsson L, Jeliazkova N et al (2017) The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) v2.0: atom typing, depiction, molecular formulas, and substructure searching. J Cheminform 9:33

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  1. Department of Bioinformatics - BiGCaT, NUTRIM, Maastricht University, 6200 MD, Maastricht, The Netherlands

    Egon L. Willighagen & Chris T. Evelo

  2. NextMove Software Ltd, Cambridge, CB4 0EY, UK

    John W. Mayfield

  3. Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences, Uppsala University, 751 24, Uppsala, Sweden

    Jonathan Alvarsson, Arvid Berg & Ola Spjuth

  4. AstraZeneca, Innovative Medicines & Early Development, Quantitative Biology, Möndal, Sweden

    Lars Carlsson

  5. Ideaconsult Ltd, A. Kanchev 4, 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria

    Nina Jeliazkova

  6. Department of Informatics, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK

    Stefan Kuhn

  7. Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, 455 Main Street, Cambridge, MA, 02142, USA

    Tomáš Pluskal

  8. Química Clínica Aplicada, 43870, Amposta, Spain

    Miquel Rojas-Chertó

  9. 4 Hanway Place, W1T 1HD, London, UK

    Gilleain Torrance

  10. National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, 9800 Medical Center Drive, Rockville, MD, 20850, USA

    Rajarshi Guha

  11. Institute for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Friedrich-Schiller-University, Lessingstr. 8, 07743, Jena, Germany

    Christoph Steinbeck

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Correspondence to Egon L. Willighagen.

The online version of the original article can be found under doi:10.1186/s13321-017-0220-4.

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Willighagen, E.L., Mayfield, J.W., Alvarsson, J. et al. Erratum to: The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) v2.0: atom typing, depiction, molecular formulas, and substructure searching. J Cheminform 9, 53 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13321-017-0231-1

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  1. 1。

    Willighagen EL,Mayfield JW,Alvarsson J,Berg A,Carlsson L,Jeliazkova N等人(2017)The Chemistry Development Kit(CDK)v2.0:原子类型,描述,分子式和子结构搜索。化学文摘9:33

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  1. 马斯特里赫特大学生物信息学系-BiGCaT,NUTRIM,荷兰马斯特里赫特6200 MD

    埃贡·L·威利格哈根(Egon L.

  2. NextMove Software Ltd,英国剑桥,CB4 0EY


  3. 乌普萨拉大学药物生物科学系,751 24,瑞典乌普萨拉

    乔纳森·阿尔瓦森(Jonathan Alvarsson),阿文·伯格(Arvid Berg)和奥拉·斯普斯(Ola Spjuth)

  4. 阿斯利康,创新药物与早期开发,定量生物学,瑞典蒙达


  5. Ideaconsult Ltd,A. Kanchev 4,1000,索非亚,保加利亚

    妮娜(Nina Jeliazkova)

  6. 英国莱斯特大学莱斯特大学信息学系


  7. 怀特海生物医学研究所,美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市大街455号,美国02142


  8. QuímicaClínicaAplicada,43870,西班牙安波斯塔


  9. 英国伦敦W1T 1HD汉威广场4号


  10. 国家转化科学促进中心,9800 Medical Center Drive,罗克维尔,马里兰州,20850,美国

    拉贾西·古哈(Rajarshi Guha)

  11. 莱辛施特里德-席勒大学无机与分析化学研究所 8,07743,耶拿,德国


  1. Egon L. Willighagen查看作者出版物

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  2. John W. Mayfield查看作者出版物

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对应于Egon L. Willighagen

原始文章的在线版本可在doi:10.1186 / s13321-017-0220-4下找到。





Willighagen,EL,Mayfield,JW,Alvarsson,J。等。勘误至:化学开发套件(CDK)v2.0:原子类型,描述,分子式和子结构搜索。ĴCheminform 9, 53(2017)。https://doi.org/10.1186/s13321-017-0231-1

