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The sperm pump and genital coupling of Panorpodes kuandianensis (Mecoptera: Panorpodidae).
Arthropod Structure & Development ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.asd.2019.03.002
Xin Tong 1 , Bao-Zhen Hua 1

Males of Panorpodidae possess a special sperm pump, through which they directly transfer seminal fluid to the female spermatheca. However, the sperm pump has not been studied in Panorpodes to date. Here, the structure of the sperm pump and the internal coupling of genitalia were investigated in the short-faced scorpionfly Panorpodes kuandianensis Zhong, Zhang, and Hua, 2011 using light and scanning electron microscopy. The sperm pump mainly consists of a piston, a pumping chamber, the anterior region of the aedeagal complex, the posterior region of the ejaculatory sac, and associated muscles. The piston as a propulsion apparatus is controlled by levator and depressor muscles. Its posterior region connects dorsally to the aedeagus via a joint. The pumping chamber is located between the piston and the aedeagus. The dorsal and ventral parameres were attached by retractor muscles. During copulation, the male phallotreme connects to the female copulatory pore to transfer sperm. Male gonostyli and parameres grasp the female to restrict the genitalia movement and impede her medigynium from retreating. The sperm ejaculatory mechanism of Panorpodes and the evolution of sperm transfer mode in insects are briefly discussed based on the structure of the sperm pump and the internal coupling of genitalia.


Panorpodes kuandianensis(Mecoptera:Panorpodidae)的精子泵和生殖器耦合。

Panorpodidae的雄性拥有一个特殊的精子泵,通过它们,他们将精液直接转移到雌性精子囊中。但是,迄今为止,Panorpodes尚未研究过精子泵。在这里,使用光镜和扫描电子显微镜研究了短面蝎子Panorpodes kuandianensis Zhong,Zhang和Hua,2011年的精子泵结构和生殖器的内部耦合。精子泵主要由一个活塞,一个抽气室,前足复合体的前部区域,射精囊的后部区域以及相关的肌肉组成。作为推进装置的活塞由提肌和降压肌控制。它的后部区域通过关节背侧连接到edeagus。泵腔位于活塞和edeagus之间。背侧和腹侧准分子由牵开肌附着。在交配过程中,雄性Phallotreme连接到雌性交配孔以转移精子。雄性淋巴吸虫和parameres抓住雌性以限制生殖器运动并阻止其me退缩。根据精子泵的结构和生殖器的内部耦合,简要地讨论了Panorpodes的精子射精机理和精子转移方式的演变。