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The Future Is Prosperous.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute ( IF 9.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-11 , DOI: 10.1093/jnci/djz139
Harry J de Koning

“Every disadvantage has its advantage” (elk nadeel heb z’n voordeel), says Johan Cruijff, the Netherlands’ greatest soccer player, in one of his most famous quotes. Every time completeness and accessibility of follow-up data in screening evaluation are in play, I am extremely conscious of this quote. It was under Napoleon Bonaparte, actually, that a population registry started in the Netherlands, in the same process by which he conquered large parts of Europe while leaving behind a path of destruction and death. On the positive side of this legacy, current registry systems that uniformly cover 100% of the actual population allow us to approach each individual and link follow-up data to them. Among other things, they help ensure high-quality cancer screening.



荷兰最大的足球运动员约翰·克鲁伊夫(Johan Cruijff)在他最著名的名言中说:“每个劣势都有其优势”(麋鹿·纳代尔·赫布·兹·沃尔德)。每当筛选评估中的后续数据的完整性和可访问性发挥作用时,我都非常意识到这一说法。实际上,正是在拿破仑·波拿巴的领导下,荷兰开始了人口登记工作,他在征服欧洲大部分地区的同时也留下了毁灭和死亡之路。从这一遗产的积极方面来看,当前的注册系统可以覆盖100%的实际人口,这使我们能够与每个人接洽,并将后续数据链接到他们。其中,它们有助于确保高质量的癌症筛查。