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What underlies waves of agitation in starling flocks
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2015-03-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s00265-015-1891-3
Charlotte K Hemelrijk 1 , Lars van Zuidam 1 , Hanno Hildenbrandt 1

Fast transfer of information in groups can have survival value. An example is the so-called wave of agitation observed in groups of animals of several taxa under attack. It has been shown to reduce predator success. It usually involves the repetition of a manoeuvre throughout the group, transmitting the information of the attack quickly, faster than the group moves itself. The specific manoeuvre underlying a wave is typically known, but not so in starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). Although waves of agitation in starling flocks have been suggested to reflect density waves, exact escape manoeuvres cannot be distinguished because flocks are spatially too far away. Therefore, waves may also reflect orientation waves (due to escape by rolling). In the present study, we investigate this issue in a computational model, StarDisplay. We use this model because its flocks have been shown to resemble starling flocks in many traits. In the model, we show that agitation waves result from changes in orientation rather than in density. They resemble empirical data both qualitatively in visual appearance and quantitatively in wave speed. In the model, local interactions with only two to seven closest neighbours suffice to generate empirical wave speed. Wave speed increases with the number of neighbours mimicked or repeated from and the distance to them. It decreases with reaction time and with time to identify the escape manoeuvre of others and is not affected by flock size. Our findings can be used as predictions for empirical studies.



群体中信息的快速传递具有生存价值。一个例子是在受到攻击的几个分类群的动物群体中观察到的所谓的激动波。它已被证明可以减少捕食者的成功。它通常涉及在整个组中重复机动,快速传输攻击信息,比组本身移动速度更快。波浪背后的特定动作通常是已知的,但在椋鸟(Sturnus vulgaris)中并非如此。尽管已经建议椋鸟群中的搅动波反映密度波,但由于群在空间上太远,因此无法区分确切的逃逸动作。因此,波也可能反射定向波(由于滚动逃逸)。在本研究中,我们在计算模型 StarDisplay 中研究了这个问题。我们使用这个模型是因为它的群已被证明在许多特征上类似于椋鸟群。在模型中,我们展示了搅动波是由方向的变化而不是密度的变化引起的。它们在视觉外观和波速定量上都类似于经验数据。在模型中,只有两到七个最近邻的局部相互作用就足以产生经验波速。波速随着模仿或重复的邻居的数量以及与它们的距离而增加。它随着反应时间和识别他人逃跑动作的时间而减少,并且不受鸡群大小的影响。我们的发现可以用作实证研究的预测。我们表明搅拌波是由方向的变化而不是密度的变化引起的。它们在视觉外观和波速定量上都类似于经验数据。在模型中,只有两到七个最近邻的局部相互作用就足以产生经验波速。波速随着模仿或重复的邻居的数量以及与它们的距离而增加。它随着反应时间和识别他人逃跑动作的时间而减少,并且不受鸡群大小的影响。我们的发现可以用作实证研究的预测。我们表明搅拌波是由方向的变化而不是密度的变化引起的。它们在视觉外观和波速定量上都类似于经验数据。在模型中,只有两到七个最近邻的局部相互作用就足以产生经验波速。波速随着模仿或重复的邻居的数量以及与它们的距离而增加。它随着反应时间和识别他人逃跑动作的时间而减少,并且不受鸡群大小的影响。我们的发现可以用作实证研究的预测。波速随着模仿或重复的邻居的数量以及与它们的距离而增加。它随着反应时间和识别他人逃跑动作的时间而减少,并且不受鸡群大小的影响。我们的发现可以用作实证研究的预测。波速随着模仿或重复的邻居的数量以及与它们的距离而增加。它随着反应时间和识别他人逃跑动作的时间而减少,并且不受鸡群大小的影响。我们的发现可以用作实证研究的预测。