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Toward an Ecological Framework for Assessing Reservoirs of Vector-Borne Pathogens: Wildlife Reservoirs of Trypanosoma cruzi across the Southern United States.
ILAR Journal ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-07 , DOI: 10.1093/ilar/ilx020
Carolyn L Hodo 1 , Sarah A Hamer 1

Wildlife species are critical for both feeding vectors and serving as reservoirs of zoonotic vector-borne pathogens. Transmission pathways leading to disease in humans or other target taxa might be better understood and managed given a complete understanding of the relative importance of different reservoir species in nature. Using the conceptual framework of "reservoir potential," which considers elements of both reservoir competence and vector-host contact, we review the wildlife reservoirs of Trypanosoma cruzi in the southern United States, where many species of triatomine vectors occur and wildlife maintain enzootic cycles that create a risk of spillover to humans, domestic dogs, and captive nonhuman primates that may develop Chagas disease. We reviewed 77 published reports of T. cruzi infection in at least 26 wildlife species across 15 southern states. Among the most well-studied and highly infected reservoirs are raccoon (Procyon lotor), woodrat (Neotoma spp.), and opossum (Didelphis virginiana), with aggregate overall infection prevalences of 36.4, 34.7, and 22.9%, respectively. Just over 60% of studies utilized methods from which an infectiousness index could be generated and show that raccoons and striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) are among the most infectious wildlife hosts. Triatomine-host contact has sparsely been quantified in the southern United States, but 18 of the 24 host species previously identified to have been fed upon by triatomines are wildlife. Future studies to parameterize the reservoir potential model, especially to quantify wildlife infectiousness, vector-host contact, and the epidemiological importance of parasite strains maintained by wildlife, could open new doors for managing enzootic cycles and reducing T. cruzi spillover risk.



野生动物物种对于饲养媒介以及作为人畜共患病媒介传播的病原体的储藏都至关重要。如果对自然界中不同水库物种的相对重要性有完整的了解,那么可能会更好地理解和管理导致人类或其他目标类群疾病的传播途径。使用“水库潜力”的概念框架,该模型考虑了水库能力和媒介与宿主之间的联系,我们回顾了美国南部的锥虫锥虫的野生动物水库,那里有许多种类的三atomine向量发生,野生生物保持了生长期会给人,家犬和圈养的非人灵长类动物带来溢出风险,这些人可能会患上南美锥虫病。我们审查了77篇有关T的已发表报告。在南部15个州的至少26种野生动物物种中感染了克鲁兹病毒。在研究最深入和感染最严重的水库中,浣熊(Procyon lotor),伍德拉特(Neotoma spp。)和负鼠(Didelphis virginiana)总感染率分别为36.4%,34.7%和22.9%。超过60%的研究使用了可产生传染性指数的方法,结果表明浣熊和臭鼬(Mephitis mephitis)是最具传染性的野生动物寄主之一。在美国南部,很少有人对三氢嘧啶与宿主的接触进行了量化,但先前确定由三氢嘧啶为食的24种宿主物种中有18种是野生生物。未来的研究将储层潜力模型参数化,尤其是量化野生动植物的传染性,媒介与宿主的接触,