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Collective responses to heterospecifics emerge from individual differences in aggression
Behavioral Ecology ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-22 , DOI: 10.1093/beheco/arz017
Kevin M Neumann 1 , Noa Pinter-Wollman 1

Variation in individual behavior among group members impacts collective outcomes. The ability of both individuals and groups to outcompete others can determine access to resources. The invasive Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, dominates resources and displaces native species. To determine how access to resources by groups of L. humile is impacted by their behavioral composition, we first determined that L. humile workers consistently vary in aggressive behavior. We then asked if variation in aggression within a group influences the group's ability to access a resource in the presence of cues of a native species, Tapinoma sessile. We found that the behavioral composition of L. humile groups impacted the groups' collective response to cues of T. sessile. Group behavior was the result of mostly additive, rather than synergistic, combinations of the behaviors of the group members. The behavior of groups that contained 50% highly aggressive and 50% low-aggression individuals was similar to the average of the behaviors of groups of all highly aggressive and groups of all low-aggression individuals. Uncovering the mechanisms that allow social invasive species to dominate the ecological communities they invade can inform the mitigation of invasion.



团体成员之间个人行为的差异会影响集体结果。个人和团体胜过其他人的能力可以决定对资源的访问。入侵的阿根廷蚂蚁 Linepithema humile 主宰资源并取代本地物种。为了确定 L. humile 群体对资源的获取如何受其行为构成的影响,我们首先确定 L. humile 工人的攻击行为始终不同。然后,我们询问了一个群体内攻击性的变化是否会影响该群体在存在本地物种无柄无柄木薯的线索的情况下获取资源的能力。我们发现 L. humile 群体的行为构成影响了群体对 T. sessile 线索的集体反应。群体行为主要是相加而非协同作用的结果 组成员行为的组合。包含 50% 高攻击性个体和 50% 低攻击性个体的群体的行为与所有高攻击性个体和所有低攻击性个体群体的行为平均值相似。揭示允许社会入侵物种主宰它们入侵的生态群落的机制可以为缓解入侵提供信息。