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Listening to the Picture-Superiority Effect.
Experimental Psychology ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-01 , DOI: 10.1027/1618-3169/a000437
Tyler M Ensor 1, 2 , Tyler D Bancroft 1, 3 , William E Hockley 1

The picture-superiority effect (PSE) refers to the finding that, all else being equal, pictures are remembered better than words (Paivio & Csapo, 1973). Dual-coding theory (DCT; Paivio, 1991) is often used to explain the PSE. According to DCT, pictures are more likely to be encoded imaginally and verbally than words. In contrast, distinctiveness accounts attribute the PSE to pictures’ greater distinctiveness compared to words. Some distinctiveness accounts emphasize physical distinctiveness (Mintzer & Snodgrass, 1999) while others emphasize conceptual distinctiveness (Hamilton & Geraci, 2006). We attempt to distinguish among these accounts by testing for an auditory analog of picture superiority. Although this phenomenon, termed the auditory PSE, occurs in free recall (Crutcher & Beer, 2011), we were unable to extend it to recognition across four experiments. We propose a new framework for understanding the PSE, wherein dual coding underpins the free-recall PSE, but conceptual distinctiveness underpins the recognition PSE.



图片优势效应(PSE)是指这样的发现:在所有其他条件相同的情况下,图片被记住的程度胜于单词(Paivio&Csapo,1973)。双重编码理论(DCT; Paivio,1991)通常用于解释PSE。根据DCT的说法,图片比单词更容易在虚构和语言上进行编码。相反,与帐户相比,独特性帐户将PSE归因于图片具有更大的独特性。一些独特性强调物理上的独特性(Mintzer和Snodgrass,1999),而另一些强调概念上的独特性(Hamilton&Geraci,2006)。我们尝试通过测试图片优越性的听觉类似物来区分这些帐户。尽管这种现象被称为听觉PSE,但发生在免费召回中(Crutcher&Beer,2011),我们无法将其扩展到四个实验的识别范围。我们提出了一种理解PSE的新框架,其中双重编码为​​自由召回PSE奠定了基础,而概念上的独特性则为识别PSE奠定了基础。