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Histologic analysis and lipid profiling reveal reproductive age-associated changes in peri-ovarian adipose tissue.
Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-12 , DOI: 10.1186/s12958-019-0487-6
Shweta S Dipali 1 , Christina R Ferreira 2, 3 , Luhan T Zhou 1 , Michele T Pritchard 4 , Francesca E Duncan 1

BACKGROUND Reproductive aging is a robust phenotype that occurs in all females and is characterized by a significant reduction in gamete quantity and quality, which can have negative consequences on both endocrine function and fertility. Age-associated differences in the oocyte, follicle, and ovary have been well-documented, but how the broader environment changes with age is less well understood. Fat is one of the largest organs in the body, and peri-gonadal adipose tissue surrounds the rodent ovary and comprises a local ovarian environment. The goal of this study was to characterize how peri-ovarian adipose tissue changes with advanced reproductive age. METHODS We isolated peri-gonadal adipose tissue from two cohorts of CB6F1 mice: reproductively young (6-12 weeks) and reproductively old (14-17 months). A comparative histological analysis was performed to evaluate adipocyte architecture. We then extracted lipids from the tissue and performed multiple reaction monitoring (MRM)-profiling, a mass spectrometry-based method of metabolite profiling, to compare the lipid profiles of peri-gonadal adipose tissue in these age cohorts. RESULTS We found that advanced reproductive age was associated with adipocyte hypertrophy and a corresponding decrease in the number of adipocytes per area. Of the 10 lipid classes examined, triacylglycerols (TAGs) had significantly different profiles between young and old cohorts, despite quantitative analysis revealing a decrease in the total amount of TAGs per weight of peri-gonadal adipose tissue with age. CONCLUSIONS These findings pinpoint age-associated physiological changes in peri-gonadal adipose tissue with respect to adipocyte morphology and lipid profiles and lay the foundation for future studies to examine how these alterations may influence both adipocyte and ovarian function.


