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Beliefs About Consent and Sexual Assault Perpetration in a Longitudinal Study of College Men.
Violence and Victims ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-01 , DOI: 10.1891/0886-6708.vv-d-18-00014
Heidi M Zinzow 1 , Martie Thompson 2

This study examined the mediating role of beliefs about both active and passive consent in the prospective associations between sexual assault (SA) risk factors and coercive, incapacitated, and forcible attempted/completed SA among college men. Participants were 471 college men who completed self-report surveys at the end of each of their 4 years of college. SA risk factors (risky behavior, rape-supportive beliefs and peer norms, personality traits, childhood adversity) were assessed at Wave 1, beliefs about consent were assessed at Wave 2, and perpetration was assessed at Waves 3 and 4. Multivariate regression models with bias-corrected bootstrapping assessed longitudinal mediation. SA risk factors were negatively associated with endorsement of active consent (verbal approval required) and positively associated with passive consent (assume “yes” until you hear a “no”), with strongest effects observed for coercive SA. Both types of beliefs about consent served as mediators between risk factors and perpetration. Findings suggest that prevention programs should include a focus on reducing SA risk factors, clarifying definitions of consent, and improving sexual communication.



本研究探讨了主动和被动同意信念在大学生性侵犯(SA)风险因素与强制、无行为能力和强迫尝试/完成 SA 之间的前瞻性关联中的中介作用。参与者是 471 名大学生,他们在大学 4 年结束时完成了自我报告调查。 SA 风险因素(危险行为、支持强奸的信念和同伴规范、人格特质、童年逆境)在第 1 波中进行评估,关于同意的信念在第 2 波中进行评估,犯罪行为在第 3 波和第 4 波中进行评估。多元回归模型偏差校正引导法评估纵向中介。 SA 风险因素与主动同意的认可(需要口头批准)呈负相关,与被动同意呈正相关(假设“是”,直到听到“否”),其中观察到强制 SA 的影响最强。两种关于同意的信念都是风险因素和犯罪之间的中介。研究结果表明,预防计划应重点关注减少性行为风险因素、澄清同意的定义以及改善性沟通。