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Are Sex Differences in Preferences for Physical Attractiveness and Good Earning Capacity in Potential Mates Smaller in Countries With Greater Gender Equality?
Evolutionary Psychology ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-01 , DOI: 10.1177/1474704919852921
Lingshan Zhang 1 , Anthony J Lee 1 , Lisa M DeBruine 1 , Benedict C Jones 1

On average, women show stronger preferences for mates with good earning capacity than men do, while men show stronger preferences for physically attractive mates than women do. Studies reporting that sex differences in mate preferences are smaller in countries with greater gender equality have been interpreted as evidence that these sex differences in mate preferences are caused by the different roles society imposes on men and women. Here, we attempted to replicate previously reported links between sex differences in mate preferences and country-level measures of gender inequality in a sample of 3,073 participants from 36 countries (data and code available at https://osf.io/4sr5f/). Although women preferred mates with good earning capacity more than men did and men preferred physically attractive mates more than women did, we found little evidence that these sex differences were smaller in countries with greater gender equality. Although one analysis suggested that the sex difference in preferences for good earning capacity was smaller in countries with greater gender equality, this effect was not significant when controlling for Galton’s problem or when correcting for multiple comparisons. Collectively, these results provide little support for the social roles account of sex differences in mate preferences.



平均而言,女性比男性更倾向于选择具有良好收入能力的伴侣,而男性则比女性更倾向于选择外表有吸引力的伴侣。研究表明,在性别平等程度较高的国家,择偶偏好的性别差异较小,这被解释为证据表明,择偶偏好的性别差异是由社会赋予男性和女性的不同角色造成的。在这里,我们试图在来自 36 个国家的 3,073 名参与者的样本中复制之前报道的择偶偏好性别差异与国家层面性别不平等衡量标准之间的联系(数据和代码可在 https://osf.io/4sr5f/ 获取)。尽管女性比男性更喜欢有良好收入能力的伴侣,男性比女性更喜欢外表有吸引力的伴侣,但我们没有发现证据表明,在性别平等程度较高的国家,这些性别差异较小。尽管一项分析表明,在性别平等程度较高的国家,对良好收入能力的偏好的性别差异较小,但在控制高尔顿问题或校正多重比较时,这种影响并不显着。总的来说,这些结果对择偶偏好中性别差异的社会角色解释几乎没有提供支持。