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Perceived barriers and facilitators for healthy behaviours among parents of adolescents receiving mental health care in a public hospital in Cape Town, South Africa: A qualitative study.
Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-08 , DOI: 10.2989/17280583.2019.1584107
Pamela Naidoo 1 , Anam Nyembezi 2 , Eileen Thomas 1 , Anusha Lachman 1 , Ashraf Kagee 3

Objective: To explore the perceived barriers and facilitators for healthy behaviours among parents and caregivers of adolescents receiving mental health care in Cape Town, South Africa. Method: Thirty-five qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted with parents and caregivers of adolescents receiving mental health treatment by six facilitators matched for language. The data was analysed using thematic analysis. Results: The participants were predominantly female (n = 28, 80%) and parents (n = 29, 83%) of the adolescents. Personal barriers to good health included unhealthy eating, substance use and physical inactivity. Environmental barriers were inherited medical conditions, the easy availability of unhealthy foods and the absence of recreational facilities in communities. Perceived facilitators to good health were parental role modelling, planning and preparing healthy meals, exercise opportunities providing by walking long distances to work, and doing physically demanding jobs and household chores. Conclusion: Parents and caregivers are essential to adolescents' healthy development as they may influence adolescent health behaviours. It is likely that the promotion of positive health behaviours may be achieved though family-based interventions.



目的:探讨在南非开普敦接受心理保健的青少年父母和照顾者中,健康行为的障碍和促进因素。方法:对六个接受语言保健的辅导员,对接受心理健康治疗的青少年父母和照顾者进行了35次定性深入访谈。使用主题分析对数据进行分析。结果:参与者主要是女性(n = 28,80%)和父母(n = 29,83%)。个人享有良好健康的障碍包括不健康的饮食,药物滥用和缺乏运动。环境壁垒是继承的医疗条件,容易获得的不健康食品以及社区缺乏娱乐设施。可以感觉到的促进健康的因素是父母的榜样,计划和准备健康的饭菜,通过长途步行去上班以及从事对身体有要求的工作和家务来提供锻炼机会。结论:父母和照顾者对于青少年的健康发展至关重要,因为它们可能影响青少年的健康行为。通过基于家庭的干预措施,有可能促进积极的健康行为。