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Diversity, ecology, and seasonality of hard ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in eastern Croatia.
Journal of Vector Ecology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-23 , DOI: 10.1111/jvec.12325
Stjepan Krčmar 1

The diversity of hard tick fauna was studied in different forest communities in 48 localities of eastern Croatia using the dragging‐flagging method and by hand from ten different vertebrate hosts. A total of 2,225 specimens comprising seven species in three genera were identified. Ixodes ricinus, the most abundant species (72.8% of all collected specimens) was recorded in 44 localities, followed by Dermacentor reticulatus in 19 localities, while the other five species (D. marginatus, H. concinna, H. inermis, I. canisuga, and I. hexagonus) were recorded in fewer localities. The highest ratio (67% of collected ticks) was in the adult stage with the predominance of females. The numbers of collected females, males, and nymphs of I. ricinus and H. concinna differed significantly. Ten new tick‐host associations in Croatia were recorded. Fifty‐three animals were infested with one tick species. Single species infestation with I. ricinus was found in 45.8% of animals, followed by D. reticulatus with 25.4%, D. marginatus with 10.2%, H. inermis and I. hexagonus with 3.4%, and I. canisuga with 1.7%. Coinfestation with two species of ticks were recorded in six animals. Ixodes ricinus, H. inermis, and D. reticulatus showed bimodal seasonal activity; for other species unimodal activity patterns were recorded.



使用拖拉旗标方法,并从十个不同的脊椎动物寄主那里,在克罗地亚东部48个地区的不同森林群落中研究了硬壁虱动物区系的多样性。共鉴定了3个属的7种共2,225个标本。篦子硬蜱,品种最丰富(所有收集的标本72.8%)录得44个地区,其次是革网纹19个地区,而其他五个品种(D. marginatusH.水蚤H.无芒雀麦一canisuga ,一hexagonus)记录在较少的地区。最高比例(占tick的67%)是在成年阶段,以雌性居多。蓖麻I. ricinusH. continna的雌性,雄性和若虫数量明显不同。记录了克罗地亚十个新的壁虱主人协会。有53种动物被一种tick虫感染。单种侵染一个蜱在动物的45.8%被发现,随后D.网纹25.4%,D. marginatus 10.2%,H.麦一个hexagonus 3.4%,与一canisuga 1.7%。在六只动物中记录了与两种of的共感染。篦子硬蜱H.无芒雀麦,D.网纹显示双峰季节性活动; 对于其他物种,记录了单峰活动模式。