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A Polymorphism in the Glucocorticoid Receptor Gene, Which Decreases Sensitivity to Glucocorticoids In Vivo, Is Associated With Low Insulin and Cholesterol Levels
Diabetes ( IF 6.2 ) Pub Date : 2002-10-01 , DOI: 10.2337/diabetes.51.10.3128
Elisabeth F C van Rossum 1 , Jan W Koper , Nannette A T M Huizenga , André G Uitterlinden , Joop A M J L Janssen , Albert O Brinkmann , Diederick E Grobbee , Frank H de Jong , Cornelia M van Duyn , Huibert A P Pols , Steven W J Lamberts

We investigated whether a polymorphism in codons 22 and 23 of the glucocorticoid (GC) receptor gene [GAGAGG(GluArg) --> GAAAAG(GluLys)] is associated with altered GC sensitivity, anthropometric parameters, cardiovascular risk factors, and sex steroid hormones. In a subgroup of 202 healthy elderly subjects of the Rotterdam Study, we identified 18 heterozygotes (8.9%) for the 22/23EK allele (ER22/23EK carriers). In the highest age group, the number of ER22/23EK carriers was higher (67-82 years, 12.9%) than in the youngest age group (53-67 years, 4.9%; P < 0.05). Two dexamethasone (DEX) suppression tests with 1 and 0.25 mg DEX were performed, and serum cortisol and insulin concentrations were compared between ER22/23EK carriers and noncarriers. After administration of 1 mg DEX, the ER22/23EK group had higher serum cortisol concentrations (54.8 +/- 18.3 vs. 26.4 +/- 1.4 nmol/l, P < 0.0001), as well as a smaller decrease in cortisol (467.0 +/- 31.7 vs. 484.5 +/- 10.3 nmol/l, P < 0.0001). ER22/23EK carriers had lower fasting insulin concentrations (P < 0.001), homeostasis model assessment- insulin resistance (IR) (index of IR, P < 0.05), and total (P < 0.02) and LDL cholesterol concentrations (P < 0.01). Our data suggest that carriers of the 22/23EK allele are relatively more resistant to the effects of GCs with respect to the sensitivity of the adrenal feedback mechanism than noncarriers, resulting in a better metabolic health profile.



我们研究了糖皮质激素 (GC) 受体基因 [GAGAGG(GluArg) --> GAAAAG(GluLys)] 密码子 22 和 23 的多态性是否与改变的 GC 敏感性、人体测量参数、心血管危险因素和性类固醇激素有关。在鹿特丹研究的 202 名健康老年受试者的亚组中,我们确定了 22/23EK 等位基因(ER22/23EK 携带者)的 18 个杂合子 (8.9%)。在最高年龄组中,ER22/23EK 携带者的数量(67-82 岁,12.9%)高于最年轻年龄组(53-67 岁,4.9%;P < 0.05)。使用 1 和 0.25 毫克 DEX 进行了两次地塞米松 (DEX) 抑制试验,比较了 ER22/23EK 携带者和非携带者之间的血清皮质醇和胰岛素浓度。给予 1 mg DEX 后,ER22/23EK 组的血清皮质醇浓度更高(54. 8 +/- 18.3 与 26.4 +/- 1.4 nmol/l,P < 0.0001),以及皮质醇的较小下降(467.0 +/- 31.7 与 484.5 +/- 10.3 nmol/l,P < 0.0001) . ER22/23EK 携带者具有较低的空腹胰岛素浓度 (P < 0.001)、稳态模型评估 - 胰岛素抵抗 (IR)(IR 指数,P < 0.05)以及总胆固醇 (P < 0.02) 和 LDL 胆固醇浓度 (P < 0.01) . 我们的数据表明,与非携带者相比,22/23EK 等位基因的携带者对 GC 的影响相对更能抵抗肾上腺反馈机制的敏感性,从而导致更好的代谢健康状况。稳态模型评估 - 胰岛素抵抗 (IR)(IR 指数,P < 0.05),以及总胆固醇(P < 0.02)和 LDL 胆固醇浓度(P < 0.01)。我们的数据表明,与非携带者相比,22/23EK 等位基因的携带者对 GC 的影响相对更能抵抗肾上腺反馈机制的敏感性,从而导致更好的代谢健康状况。稳态模型评估 - 胰岛素抵抗 (IR)(IR 指数,P < 0.05),以及总胆固醇(P < 0.02)和 LDL 胆固醇浓度(P < 0.01)。我们的数据表明,与非携带者相比,22/23EK 等位基因的携带者对 GC 的影响相对更能抵抗肾上腺反馈机制的敏感性,从而导致更好的代谢健康状况。