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Babesia divergens, a bovine blood parasite of veterinary and zoonotic importance.
Clinical Microbiology Reviews ( IF 19.0 ) Pub Date : 2003-10-01 , DOI: 10.1128/cmr.16.4.622-636.2003
Annetta Zintl 1 , Grace Mulcahy , Helen E Skerrett , Stuart M Taylor , Jeremy S Gray

Babesia divergens is an intraerythrocytic protozoan parasite, transmitted by the tick Ixodes ricinus, and is the main agent of bovine babesiosis in Europe. It is not only a cause of significant loss to the cattle industry; it can also infect immunocompromised humans, causing medical emergencies characterized by rapid fulmination and parasitemias that may exceed 70%. The current emphasis in Europe on sustainable agriculture and extensification is likely to lead to an increase in vector tick populations with increased risk of infection. Despite the veterinary and zoonotic importance of this parasite, relatively little research has been carried out on B. divergens, and many questions regarding the parasite's epidemiology and the host's response remain unanswered. A better understanding of the species' biology and host-parasite interactions may lead to improved control mechanisms and new trends in vaccine and antibabesial drug development. This review provides the first comprehensive summary of B. divergens biology, including its morphology, life cycle, and host specificity, and the current state of knowledge of both human and bovine infections.



分歧巴贝斯虫是一种红细胞内原生动物寄生虫,由蓖麻硬蜱传播,是欧洲牛巴贝斯虫病的主要病原体。这不仅给养牛业造成重大损失,而且给养牛业带来巨大损失。它还可以感染免疫功能低下的人类,导致医疗紧急情况,其特点是迅速暴发和寄生虫血症,可能超过 70%。目前欧洲对可持续农业和规模化的重视可能会导致媒介蜱虫数量增加,感染风险增加。尽管这种寄生虫在兽医和人畜共患病方面具有重要意义,但对分歧芽孢杆菌的研究相对较少,并且有关寄生虫流行病学和宿主反应的许多问题仍未得到解答。更好地了解该物种的生物学和宿主与寄生虫的相互作用可能会导致控制机制的改进以及疫苗和抗巴贝虫药物开发的新趋势。这篇综述首次全面总结了分歧芽孢杆菌的生物学特性,包括其形态、生命周期和宿主特异性,以及人类和牛感染的最新知识状况。