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Morphometric analysis of Eocene nummulitids in western and central Cuba: taxonomy, biostratigraphy and evolutionary trends.
Journal of Systematic Palaeontology ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-13 , DOI: 10.1080/14772019.2018.1446462
Ana I Torres-Silva 1 , Wolfgang Eder 1 , Johann Hohenegger 1 , Antonino Briguglio 2

Megalospheric specimens of Nummulitidae from eight localities in western and central Cuba were morphometrically investigated using test characters described by 11 growth-independent and growth-invariant attributes that provide a complete geometric reconstruction of nummulitid equatorial morphology. The species Nummulites striatoreticulatus, Palaeonummulites trinitatensis, Operculinoides floridensis and O. soldadensis were classified by an agglomerative cluster analysis. Discriminant analysis yielded significant morphological separators between the species such as the backbend angle, marginal radius increase, perimeter ratio and first chamber length. The transition of tightness to laxity of the spiral was an important morphological separator at the generic level, representing a clear general trend coupled with the change in palaeodepth. Based on further discriminant analysis, an increase in proloculus size was detected in Nummulites striatoreticulatus from the middle Eocene to early late Eocene, supporting this important evolutionary pattern in many lineages of Nummulites. Operculinid forms showed an opposite and more weakly pronounced time-dependent trend in the size decrease of the proloculus. In the Cuban localities, Nummulites striatoreticulatus occurs from the Lutetian to Priabonian, while Palaeonummulites trinitatensis is restricted to the Bartonian to Priabonian. The moderately to loosely coiled operculinid taxa O. floridensis and O. soldadensis have longer stratigraphical ranges from the middle Eocene to probably the early Oligocene. Operculinoides floridensis and O. soldadensis show a broader variability in marginal radius increase, and thus probably occupied wider niches than N. striatoreticulatus. The latter seems to be restricted to the shelf edge and to the shallowest parts of the upper slope. A possible phylogenetic connection between Heterostegina and Operculinoides is suggested by the closest equatorial morphology of Heterostegina sp. indet. to tightly coiled forms of Operculinoides floridensis. Discriminant analysis documents the strongest similarities in perimeter ratio, backbend angle, initial marginal radius and proloculus mean diameter.



使用11个独立于增长和不变不变的属性描述的测试特征对古巴西部和中部八个地方的蛇形科的巨球标本进行了形态计量学研究,这些特征提供了完整的数字赤道形态的几何重构。该种货币虫striatoreticulatusPalaeonummulites trinitatensisOperculinoides floridensisO. soldadensis通过聚集聚类分析进行分类。判别分析在物种之间产生了重要的形态分离器,例如后弯角,边缘半径增加,周长比和第一腔室长度。螺旋形的松紧度到松驰度的过渡是一般水平上的重要形态分离器,代表着明显的总体趋势以及古深度的变化。基础上,进一步判别分析,以检测在proloculus尺寸增加货币虫striatoreticulatus从始新世早期晚始新世,在许多谱系支持这一重要的进化模式货币虫。per骨形态在lo的尺寸减小中显示出相反的且较弱的时间依赖性趋势。在古巴地区,Nummulites striatoreticulatus发生在鲁特斯人普里阿波尼安,而古尼姆人古尼特尼特人只限于巴通普里阿波尼安。从中始新世到早渐新世,中度到松散的coil盖类群O. floridensisO. soldadensis具有更长的地层范围。Operculinoides floridensisO. soldadensis在边际半径增加方面显示出较宽的变异性,因此可能比striatoreticulatus拥有更宽的生态位。后者似乎仅限于架子边缘和上斜坡的最浅部分。Heterostegina sp的最接近赤道形态表明了HeterosteginaOperculinoides之间可能的系统发育联系。indet。到紧密盘绕的Operculinoides floridensis。判别分析记录了周长比,后弯角,初始边缘半径和前牙平均直径之间的最强相似性。
