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Aristotle'sPhysicsII 1 and Cultivated Plants
Science in Context Pub Date : 2019-01-11 , DOI: 10.1017/s0269889718000339
Errol G Katayama 1

ArgumentThe aim of this paper is two-fold: to offer an interpretation that preserves the natural reading ofPhysicsII 1 – that Aristotle is drawing a stark distinction between what is natural and what is artificial; and to show how there is logical room for atertium quid– a category for things that are products of both nature and art. This aim is attained by highlighting two important qualifications Aristotle makes about the products of art in relation to an innate internal principle of change and pointing out that the proper understanding of the significance of the essential-accidental distinction that Aristotle draws must be viewed in the context where he identifies two kinds of nature – form and matter. Based on these analyses, the following three logical categories are shown to be consistent with the passage: 1) purely natural things; 2) essentially artificial objects; and 3) essentially natural things with artificial aspects.


亚里士多德的物理学II​​ 1和栽培植物

论据本文的目的有两个:提供一种保留自然阅读的解释物理II 1 – 亚里士多德在自然和人造之间划清界限;并展示如何有逻辑空间叔叔– 自然和艺术产品的类别。这个目标是通过强调亚里士多德关于艺术产品与内在的内在变化原则相关的两个重要资格来实现的,并指出正确理解亚里士多德所画的本质-偶然区别的重要性必须在上下文中看待在那里,他确定了两种自然——形式和物质。基于这些分析,表明以下三个逻辑类别与本文一致:1)纯自然的事物;2)本质上是人造物体;3) 本质上是自然的东西,带有人工的方面。