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Carbon stock of the various carbon pools in Gerba-Dima moist Afromontane forest, South-western Ethiopia.
Carbon Balance and Management ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-02 , DOI: 10.1186/s13021-019-0116-x
Abyot Dibaba 1 , Teshome Soromessa 2 , Bikila Workineh 3

Unlike in the developed countries, Ethiopia does not have carbon inventories and databank to monitor and enhance carbon sequestration potential of different forests. Only small efforts have been made so far to assess the biomass and soil carbon sequestration at micro-level. This study was carried out to obtain sufficient information about the carbon stock potential of Gerba-Dima forest in south-western Ethiopia. A total of 90 sample plots were laid by employing stratified random sampling. Nested plots were used to collect data of the four carbon pools. For trees with a diameter range of 5 cm < diameter < 20 cm, the carbon stock was assessed from a plot size of 49 m2 (7 m * 7 m). For trees with a diameter range of 20 cm < diameter < 50 cm, the carbon stock was assessed from a plot size of 625 m2 (25 m * 25 m). For trees > 50 cm diameter, an additional larger sample of 35 * 35 m2 was used. Litter, herb and soil data were collected from 1 m2 subplot established at the center of each nested plot. To compute the above ground biomass carbon stock of trees and shrubs with DBH > 5 cm, their DBH and height were measured. The biomass carbon assessment of woody species having DBH < 5 cm, litter and herb were conducted by measuring their fresh weight in the field and dry weight in the laboratory. The mean total carbon stock density of Gerba-Dima forest was found to be 508.9 tons carbon ha−1, out of which 243.8, 45.97, 0.03 and 219.1 tons carbon ha−1 were stored in the above ground biomass, below ground biomass, litter biomass and soil organic carbon, respectively. The existence of high carbon stock in the study forest shows the potential of the area for climate change mitigation. Thus, all stakeholders at the local and national level should work together to implement effective conservation measures and get benefit from the biocarbon fund.



与发达国家不同,埃塞俄比亚没有碳清单和数据库来监测和增强不同森林的碳封存潜力。迄今为止,仅进行了很小的努力就可以从微观层面评估生物量和土壤固碳。进行这项研究是为了获得有关埃塞俄比亚西南部Gerba-Dima森林碳储量潜力的充分信息。通过分层随机抽样,共放置了90个样地。嵌套图用于收集四个碳库的数据。对于直径范围为5 cm <直径<20 cm的树木,从49 m2(7 m * 7 m)的样地中评估碳储量。对于直径范围为20 cm <直径<50 cm的树木,从625 m2(25 m * 25 m)的样地中评估碳储量。对于树木> 直径为50厘米,另外使用了35 * 35平方米的较大样本。垃圾,草药和土壤数据是从在每个嵌套样地中心建立的1 m2子样中收集的。为了计算DBH> 5 cm的树木和灌木的地上生物量碳储量,测量了它们的DBH和高度。通过测量田间的鲜重和实验室的干重,对DBH <5 cm的木质物种,枯枝落叶和草本植物进行生物量碳评估。发现Gerba-Dima森林的平均总碳储量密度为508.9吨ha-1,其中243.8、45.97、0.03和219.1吨ha-1被储存在地上生物量,地下生物量,凋落物中生物量和土壤有机碳。研究森林中高碳储量的存在表明了该地区缓解气候变化的潜力。因此,地方和国家各级的所有利益相关者应共同努力,采取有效的保护措施,并从生物碳基金中受益。