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Adrianite, Ca12(Al4Mg3Si7)O32Cl6, a new Cl-rich silicate mineral from the Allende meteorite: An alteration phase in a Ca-Al-rich inclusion
American Mineralogist ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-01 , DOI: 10.2138/am-2018-6505
Chi Ma 1 , Alexander N Krot 2

Abstract Adrianite (IMA 2014-028), Ca12(Al4Mg3Si7)O32Cl6, is a new Cl-rich silicate mineral and the Si,Mg analog of wadalite. It occurs with monticellite, grossular, wadalite, and hutcheonite in altered areas along some veins between primary melilite, spinel, and Ti, Al-diopside in a Type B1 FUN (Fractionation and Unidentified Nuclear effects) Ca-Al-rich inclusion (CAI), Egg-3, from the Allende CV3 carbonaceous chondrite. The mean chemical composition of type adrianite by electron probe microanalysis is (wt%) CaO 41.5, SiO2 27.5, Al2O3 12.4, MgO 7.3, Na2O 0.41, Cl 13.0, O=Cl –2.94, total 99.2, giving rise to an empirical formula of (Ca11.69Na0.21)(Al3.85Mg2.88Si7.23)O32Cl5.80. The end-member formula is Ca12(Mg5Si9)O32Cl6. Adrianite has the I43d wadalite structure with a = 11.981 Å, V = 1719.8 Å3, and Z = 2, as revealed by electron backscatter diffraction. The calculated density using the measured composition is 3.03 g/cm3. Adrianite is a new secondary mineral in Allende, apparently formed by alkali-halogen metasomatic alteration of primary CAI minerals such as melilite, anorthite, perovskite, and Ti, Al-diopside on the CV chondrite parent asteroid. Formation of secondary Cl-rich minerals sodalite, adrianite, and wadalite during metasomatic alteration of the Allende CAIs suggests that the metasomatic fluids had Cl-rich compositions. The mineral name is in honor of Adrian J. Brearley, mineralogist at the University of New Mexico, U.S.A., in recognition of his many contributions to the understanding of secondary mineralization in chondritic meteorites.


Adrianite,Ca12(Al4Mg3Si7)O32Cl6,一种来自阿连德陨石的新的富氯硅酸盐矿物:富含 Ca-Al 包裹体的蚀变相

摘要 Adrianite (IMA 2014-028),Ca12(Al4Mg3Si7)O32Cl6,是一种新的富氯硅酸盐矿物,是硅钙石的 Si、Mg 类似物。在 B1 型 FUN(分馏和未识别的核效应)富钙铝包裹体 (CAI) 中,沿原生黄长石、尖晶石和 Ti、Al-透辉石之间的一些矿脉,它与蒙锂长石、钙铝榴石、硅钙石和哈金长石一起出现。 ,Egg-3,来自阿连德 CV3 碳质球粒陨石。通过电子探针微量分析,亚德里石型的平均化学成分为 (wt%) CaO 41.5、SiO2 27.5、Al2O3 12.4、MgO 7.3、Na2O 0.41、Cl 13.0、O=Cl –2.94,总计 99.2,得出经验公式: (Ca11.69Na0.21)(Al3.85Mg2.88Si7.23)O32Cl5.80。端元分子式为Ca12(Mg5Si9)O32Cl6。电子背散射衍射显示,Adrianite 具有 I43d wadalite 结构,a = 11.981 Å、V = 1719.8 Å3、Z = 2。使用测量的组合物计算出的密度为3.03g/cm3。Adrianite 是阿连德的一种新的次生矿物,显然是由原生 CAI 矿物(如黄长石、钙长石、钙钛矿和 CV 球粒陨石母小行星上的钛、铝透辉石)的碱卤交代蚀变形成的。阿连德 CAI 交代蚀变过程中形成的次生富含 Cl 矿物方钠石、菱钠石和瓦达石表明交代流体具有富含 Cl 的成分。该矿物名称是为了纪念美国新墨西哥大学矿物学家阿德里安·J·布里尔利 (Adrian J. Brearley),以表彰他对了解球粒陨石次生矿化的众多贡献。