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Comparing the use of radiolabeled SSTR agonists and an SSTR antagonist in breast cancer: does the model choice influence the outcome?
EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-29 , DOI: 10.1186/s41181-017-0030-z
Simone U Dalm 1 , Marion de Jong 1

With interest we read the recent publication of Dude et al. (2017) on the evaluation of somatostatin receptor (SSTR) agonists and an antagonist for SSTR-mediated imaging of breast cancer using positron emission tomography. In this study the authors compared 2 SSTR agonists (DOTA-Tyr3-octreotide and DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate) and the SSTR antagonist (NODAGA-JR11) in in vitro binding and saturation studies and in in vivo imaging and biodistribution studies. To our surprise their results demonstrated both agonists to have a more favorable receptor binding affinity and a better tumor uptake in vivo, whereas the saturation assay resulted in more binding sites for 67/natGa-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotide on the used breast cancer cell line (ZR75–1) than natGa-NODAGA-JR11 and 67/natGa-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate.

The reported results are in contrast with previously published studies comparing radiolabeled DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate and DOTA-JR11 in various tumor models (Dalm et al., 2016; Nicolas et al., 2017; Reubi et al., 2017; Wild et al., 2014), including our recent publication on the use of SSTR agonists and antagonists for targeting of breast cancer (Dalm et al., 2017). The main explanation given by the authors for the contradicting results is the use of an endogenously SSTR expressing breast cancer cell line, ZR75–1, in contrast to transfected cell lines, cell lines of other cancer types and non-cancerous cell lines used in earlier studies evaluating SSTR-targeting radiotracers.

Concerning the above mentioned explanation of the authors, we have the following remarks:

  • First, some of the non-cancerous cell lines and cell lines of other cancer types used in previous studies also have endogenous SSTR expression. One example is our previously published study in which we reported better therapeutic efficacy with 177Lu-DOTA-JR11 compared to 177Lu-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate in a xenograft model generated with the human small cell lung cancer cell line, H69 (Dalm et al., 2016).

  • Furthermore, previously published studies comparing the use of radiolabeled JR11 and radiolabeled DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate or DOTA-Tyr3-octreotide were not only performed preclinically in tumor models, but also clinically in patients with neuroendocrine tumors. In the latter mentioned study published by Wild et al. (2014) 177Lu-DOTA-JR11 tumor uptake was superior to that of 177Lu-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate. Although this study was not performed in breast cancer patients, it again demonstrates superiority of the SSTR antagonist vs the agonist in tumors that have endogenous SSTR expression.

  • Concerning breast cancer, Reubi et al. (2017) demonstrated that binding of 125I–DOTA-JR11 to human breast cancer tissue was much higher than that of 125I–DOTA-Tyr3-octreotide. We also demonstrated higher binding of 111In-DOTA-JR11 vs 111In-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate to 40 human breast cancer tissue samples (Dalm et al., 2017). Furthermore, in the same study we also showed higher in vivo tumor uptake of 177Lu-DOTA-JR11 vs 177Lu-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate in an estrogen receptor positive patient derived breast cancer mouse model with endogenous SSTR expression.

Differences between the study of Dude et al. (2017) and our previous study (Dalm et al., 2017) include the use of different radionuclides and application of DOTA-JR11 instead of NODAGA-JR11. The authors chose NODAGA-JR11 because DOTA-JR11 has a lower receptor affinity when labeled with 68Ga. Similar to 111In-DOTA-JR11, 177Lu-DOTA-JR11 and 177Lu-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate, 68Ga-NODAGA-JR11, 68Ga-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate and 68Ga-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotide have comparable receptor affinity (Fani et al., 2012; Reubi et al., 2000).

Aspects concerning the methodology that to our opinion might influence the results when comparing different radiotracers, include:

  • The use of different peptide amounts as also addressed by the authors in the discussion. The peptide amount of 68Ga-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate used in the study was twice as high as the peptide amount of 68Ga-NODAGA-JR11. Although the authors mention that previous studies showed that within a range of 10–60 pmol tumor uptake of 111In-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotide is >80% of the maximum in rats (de Jong et al., 1999), this might be different in the model currently applied and this needs to be determined for the other radiotracers as well.

  • The use of different peptide amounts for imaging and biodistribution studies.

  • The use of an agonist (SRIF-28) in the competition assay to determine the binding affinity of the tracers. This would only be correct if the antagonist and the agonist have the same binding site, which is unclear.

  • Also, in the study by Dude et al. (2017) imaging and biodistribution studies were performed at early time points (55 min and 60 min p.i., respectively), presumably because of the short half-life of 68Ga. However, in another study by Nicolas et al. (2017) it was reported that optimal tumor uptake of 177Lu-DOTA-JR11 and 177Lu-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate was reached at 4 h p.i. as determined by biodistribution studies. Although there might be a difference in optimal tumor uptake when the same tracer is labeled with different radionuclides, the time point at which the imaging and biodistribution studies were performed might have contributed to the contradictory findings reported by in the study by Dude et al. (2017).

We recently compared binding of 111In-DOTA-JR11 and 111In-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate to ZR75–1 and U2OS + SSTR2 (the latter is a human osteosarcoma cell line transfected with the SSTR2 receptor) in an internalization assay to investigate differences in SSTR agonist and antagonist binding to cell lines with endogenous and exogenous SSTR expression. The used method can be found in our previous paper (Dalm et al., 2016). Our results demonstrated that 111In-DOTA-JR11 is superior to 111In-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate (even though the agonist is internalized) when applied for targeting of an endogenous SSTR-expressing cell line (ZR75–1) as well as for targeting the SSTR2 transfected cell line (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1

Binding and internalization of 111In-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate and 111In-DOTA-JR11 to the endougenously SSTR expressing cell line ZR75–1 and the SSTR2 transfected cell line U2OS + SSTR2. Cells were incubated for 1 h at 37 °C or 4 °C with 10−9 M of the agonist or the antagonist. The bars represent the percentage added dose (%AD) bound and/or internalized (in)to the cells. The %AD is corrected for unspecific binding determined by blocking studies in which 10−6 M of the unlabeled agonist or antagonist was added

Full size image

Based on the above we conclude that endogenous SSTR expression of the model used in the study by Dude et al. (2017) does not explain the contradictory results obtained in this study. Multiple experiments in their study had a similar outcome and additional experiments are needed to determine what the reason is for these findings. However, in line with previous studies from our and other groups, the SSTR antagonist JR11 clearly shows superiority to the SSTR agonist octreotate for targeting breast cancer, also in the endogenously SSTR2 expressing breast cancer cell line ZR75–1.

  1. Dalm SU, Nonnekens J, Doeswijk GN, de Blois E, van Gent DC, Konijnenberg MW, et al. Comparison of the therapeutic response to treatment with a 177Lu-labeled Somatostatin receptor agonist and antagonist in preclinical models. J Nucl Med. 2016;57(2):260–5.

    CAS Article PubMed Google Scholar

  2. Dalm SU, Haeck J, Doeswijk GN, de Blois E, de Jong M, van Deurzen C. SSTR-mediated breast cancer imaging: is there a role for Radiolabeled SSTR antagonists? J Nucl Med. 2017; [epub ahead of print]

  3. Dude I, Zhang Z, Rousseau J, Hundal-Jabal N, Colpo N, Merkens H, et al. Evaluation of agonist and antagonist radioligands for somatostatin receptor imaging of breast cancer using positron emission tomography. EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry. 2017;2(1):4.

    Article Google Scholar

  4. Fani M, Braun F, Waser B, Beetschen K, Cescato R, Erchegyi J, et al. Unexpected sensitivity of sst2 antagonists to N-terminal radiometal modifications. J Nucl Med. 2012;53(9):1481–9.

    CAS Article PubMed Google Scholar

  5. de Jong M, Breeman WA, Bernard BF, van Gameren A, de Bruin E, Bakker WH, et al. Tumour uptake of the radiolabelled somatostatin analogue [DOTA0, TYR3]octreotide is dependent on the peptide amount. Eur J Nucl Med. 1999;26(7):693–8.

    Article PubMed Google Scholar

  6. Nicolas GP, Mansi R, McDougall L, Kaufmann J, Bouterfa H, Wild D, et al. Biodistribution, pharmacokinetics and dosimetry of 177Lu-, 90Y- and 111In-labeled somatostatin receptor antagonist OPS201 in comparison to the agonist 177Lu-DOTA-TATE: the mass effect. J Nucl Med. 2017;58(9):1436–41.

    Article Google Scholar

  7. Reubi JC, Schar JC, Waser B, Wenger S, Heppeler A, Schmitt JS, et al. Affinity profiles for human somatostatin receptor subtypes SST1-SST5 of somatostatin radiotracers selected for scintigraphic and radiotherapeutic use. Eur J Nucl Med. 2000;27(3):273–82.

    CAS Article PubMed Google Scholar

  8. Reubi JC, Waser B, Macke H, Rivier J. Highly increased 125I-JR11 antagonist binding in vitro reveals novel indications for sst2 targeting in human cancers. J Nucl Med. 2017;58(2):300–6.

    Article PubMed Google Scholar

  9. Wild D, Fani M, Fischer R, Del Pozzo L, Kaul F, Krebs S, et al. Comparison of somatostatin receptor agonist and antagonist for peptide receptor radionuclide therapy: a pilot study. J Nucl Med. 2014;55(8):1248–52.

    CAS Article PubMed Google Scholar

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The publication of this article was supported by funds of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM).


No funding was received for writing this letter or performing the experiments described in this letter. The publication costs were covered by the European Association of Nuclear Medicine.

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Data can be obtained from the authors.


  1. Department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands

    Simone U. Dalm & Marion de Jong

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Dalm, S.U., de Jong, M. Comparing the use of radiolabeled SSTR agonists and an SSTR antagonist in breast cancer: does the model choice influence the outcome?. EJNMMI radiopharm. chem. 2, 11 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1186/s41181-017-0030-z

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比较放射标记的 SSTR 激动剂和 SSTR 拮抗剂在乳腺癌中的使用:模型选择是否会影响结果?

我们饶有兴趣地阅读了 Dude 等人最近发表的文章。 ( 2017 ) 使用正电子发射断层扫描评估生长抑素受体 (SSTR) 激动剂和拮抗剂对 SSTR 介导的乳腺癌成像的影响。在这项研究中,作者在体外结合和饱和研究以及体内成像和生物分布研究中比较了 2 种 SSTR 激动剂(DOTA-Tyr 3 -奥曲肽和 DOTA-Tyr 3 -奥曲肽)和 SSTR 拮抗剂 (NODAGA-JR11)。令我们惊讶的是,他们的结果表明两种激动剂都具有更有利的受体结合亲和力和更好的体内肿瘤摄取,而饱和测定导致67/nat Ga-DOTA-Tyr 3 -octreotide 在所用乳腺癌上有更多的结合位点细胞系 (ZR75–1) 优于nat Ga-NODAGA-JR11 和67/nat Ga-DOTA-Tyr 3 -octreotate。

报告的结果与之前发表的在各种肿瘤模型中比较放射性标记的 DOTA-Tyr 3 -octreotate 和 DOTA-JR11 的研究形成鲜明对比(Dalm 等人, 2016 年;Nicolas 等人, 2017 年;Reubi 等人, 2017 年;Wild 等人) al., 2014 ),包括我们最近发表的关于使用 SSTR 激动剂和拮抗剂靶向乳腺癌的出版物(Dalm 等, 2017 )。作者对矛盾结果给出的主要解释是使用了内源性表达 SSTR 的乳腺癌细胞系 ZR75-1,与早期使用的转染细胞系、其他癌症类型的细胞系和非癌细胞系形成鲜明对比。评估 SSTR 靶向放射性示踪剂的研究。


  • 首先,之前研究中使用的一些非癌细胞系和其他癌症类型的细胞系也具有内源性SSTR表达。一个例子是我们之前发表的研究,其中我们报道了在人类小细胞肺癌细胞系 H69 (Dalm) 生成的异种移植模型中, 177 Lu-DOTA-JR11 的治疗效果优于177 Lu-DOTA-Tyr 3 -octreotate。等人, 2016 )。

  • Furthermore, previously published studies comparing the use of radiolabeled JR11 and radiolabeled DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate or DOTA-Tyr3-octreotide were not only performed preclinically in tumor models, but also clinically in patients with neuroendocrine tumors. In the latter mentioned study published by Wild et al. (2014) 177Lu-DOTA-JR11 tumor uptake was superior to that of 177Lu-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate. Although this study was not performed in breast cancer patients, it again demonstrates superiority of the SSTR antagonist vs the agonist in tumors that have endogenous SSTR expression.

  • Concerning breast cancer, Reubi et al. (2017) demonstrated that binding of 125I–DOTA-JR11 to human breast cancer tissue was much higher than that of 125I–DOTA-Tyr3-octreotide. We also demonstrated higher binding of 111In-DOTA-JR11 vs 111In-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate to 40 human breast cancer tissue samples (Dalm et al., 2017). Furthermore, in the same study we also showed higher in vivo tumor uptake of 177Lu-DOTA-JR11 vs 177Lu-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate in an estrogen receptor positive patient derived breast cancer mouse model with endogenous SSTR expression.

Differences between the study of Dude et al. (2017) and our previous study (Dalm et al., 2017) include the use of different radionuclides and application of DOTA-JR11 instead of NODAGA-JR11. The authors chose NODAGA-JR11 because DOTA-JR11 has a lower receptor affinity when labeled with 68Ga. Similar to 111In-DOTA-JR11, 177Lu-DOTA-JR11 and 177Lu-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate, 68Ga-NODAGA-JR11, 68Ga-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate and 68Ga-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotide have comparable receptor affinity (Fani et al., 2012; Reubi et al., 2000).


  • The use of different peptide amounts as also addressed by the authors in the discussion. The peptide amount of 68Ga-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate used in the study was twice as high as the peptide amount of 68Ga-NODAGA-JR11. Although the authors mention that previous studies showed that within a range of 10–60 pmol tumor uptake of 111In-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotide is >80% of the maximum in rats (de Jong et al., 1999), this might be different in the model currently applied and this needs to be determined for the other radiotracers as well.

  • 使用不同的肽量进行成像和生物分布研究。

  • 在竞争测定中使用激动剂 (SRIF-28) 来确定示踪剂的结合亲和力。只有当拮抗剂和激动剂具有相同的结合位点时,这才是正确的,但目前尚不清楚。

  • Also, in the study by Dude et al. (2017) imaging and biodistribution studies were performed at early time points (55 min and 60 min p.i., respectively), presumably because of the short half-life of 68Ga. However, in another study by Nicolas et al. (2017) it was reported that optimal tumor uptake of 177Lu-DOTA-JR11 and 177Lu-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate was reached at 4 h p.i. as determined by biodistribution studies. Although there might be a difference in optimal tumor uptake when the same tracer is labeled with different radionuclides, the time point at which the imaging and biodistribution studies were performed might have contributed to the contradictory findings reported by in the study by Dude et al. (2017).

We recently compared binding of 111In-DOTA-JR11 and 111In-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate to ZR75–1 and U2OS + SSTR2 (the latter is a human osteosarcoma cell line transfected with the SSTR2 receptor) in an internalization assay to investigate differences in SSTR agonist and antagonist binding to cell lines with endogenous and exogenous SSTR expression. The used method can be found in our previous paper (Dalm et al., 2016). Our results demonstrated that 111In-DOTA-JR11 is superior to 111In-DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate (even though the agonist is internalized) when applied for targeting of an endogenous SSTR-expressing cell line (ZR75–1) as well as for targeting the SSTR2 transfected cell line (Fig. 1).


111 In-DOTA-Tyr 3 -octreotate 和111 In-DOTA-JR11 与内源 SSTR 表达细胞系 ZR75–1 和 SSTR2 转染细胞系 U2OS + SSTR2 的结合和内化。将细胞与10 -9 M的激动剂或拮抗剂在37℃或4℃下孵育1小时。条形代表与细胞结合和/或内化(进入)的添加剂量百分比(%AD)。 %AD针对通过封闭研究确定的非特异性结合进行校正,其中添加了10 -6 M的未标记激动剂或拮抗剂


Based on the above we conclude that endogenous SSTR expression of the model used in the study by Dude et al. (2017) does not explain the contradictory results obtained in this study. Multiple experiments in their study had a similar outcome and additional experiments are needed to determine what the reason is for these findings. However, in line with previous studies from our and other groups, the SSTR antagonist JR11 clearly shows superiority to the SSTR agonist octreotate for targeting breast cancer, also in the endogenously SSTR2 expressing breast cancer cell line ZR75–1.

  1. Dalm SU、Nonnekens J、Doeswijk GN、de Blois E、van Gent DC、Konijnenberg MW 等。临床前模型中 177Lu 标记的生长抑素受体激动剂和拮抗剂治疗反应的比较。核医学杂志。 2016;57(2):260–5。

    CAS Article PubMed Google Scholar

  2. Dalm SU、Haeck J、Doeswijk GN、de Blois E、de Jong M、van Deurzen C. SSTR 介导的乳腺癌成像:放射性标记的 SSTR 拮抗剂是否有作用?核医学杂志。 2017年; [epub 印刷前]

  3. Dude I、Zhang Z、Rousseau J、Hundal-Jabal N、Colpo N、Merkens H 等。使用正电子发射断层扫描评估乳腺癌生长抑素受体成像的激动剂和拮抗剂放射性配体。 EJNMMI 放射性药物和化学。 2017;2(1):4。

    Article Google Scholar

  4. Fani M、Braun F、Waser B、Beetschen K、Cescato R、Erchegyi J 等。 sst2 拮抗剂对 N 端放射性金属修饰的意外敏感性。核医学杂志。 2012;53(9):1481–9。

    CAS Article PubMed Google Scholar

  5. de Jong M、Breeman WA、Bernard BF、van Gameren A、de Bruin E、Bakker WH 等人。肿瘤对放射性标记的生长抑素类似物[DOTA0,TYR3]奥曲肽的摄取取决于肽的量。欧洲核医学杂志。 1999;26(7):693–8。

    Article PubMed Google Scholar

  6. Nicolas GP、Mansi R、McDougall L、Kaufmann J、Bouterfa H、Wild D 等。 177Lu、90Y 和 111In 标记的生长抑素受体拮抗剂 OPS201 与激动剂 177Lu-DOTA-TATE 相比的生物分布、药代动力学和剂量测定:质量效应。核医学杂志。 2017;58(9):1436–41。

    Article Google Scholar

  7. Reubi JC、Schar JC、Waser B、Wenger S、Heppeler A、Schmitt JS 等。选择用于闪烁照相和放射治疗用途的生长抑素放射性示踪剂的人生长抑素受体亚型 SST1-SST5 的亲和力特征。欧洲核医学杂志。 2000;27(3):273–82。

    CAS Article PubMed Google Scholar

  8. Reubi JC、Waser B、Macke H、Rivier J。125I-JR11 拮抗剂体外结合的高度增加揭示了人类癌症中 sst2 靶向的新适应症。核医学杂志。 2017;58(2):300–6。

    文章 PubMed 谷歌学术

  9. Wild D、Fani M、Fischer R、Del Pozzo L、Kaul F、Krebs S 等。肽受体放射性核素治疗的生长抑素受体激动剂和拮抗剂的比较:一项试点研究。核医学杂志。 2014;55(8):1248–52。

    CAS 文章 PubMed 谷歌学术








  1. 放射学与核医学系,伊拉斯谟 MC,鹿特丹,南荷兰,荷兰

    西蒙娜·达尔姆 (Simone U. Dalm) 和玛丽昂·德容 (Marion de Jong)


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  2. Marion de Jong 查看作者出版物

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通讯作者:西蒙娜·达尔姆 (Simone U. Dalm)









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Dalm, SU, de Jong, M。比较放射性标记 SSTR 激动剂和 SSTR 拮抗剂在乳腺癌中的使用:模型选择会影响结果吗?。 EJNMMI 放射制药。化学。 2, 11 (2017)。 https://doi.org/10.1186/s41181-017-0030-z

