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Are men's misogynistic attitudes associated with poor mental health and substance use behaviors? An exploratory study of men in Tijuana, Mexico.
Psychology of Men & Masculinities ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-01 , DOI: 10.1037/men0000093
Paul J Fleming 1 , Thomas L Patterson 2 , Claudia V Chavarin 2 , Shirley J Semple 2 , Carlos Magis-Rodriguez 3 , Eileen V Pitpitan 4

Men's misogynistic attitudes (i.e., dislike or contempt for women) have been shown to be associated with men's perpetration of physical/sexual violence against women and poor health outcomes for women. However, these attitudes have rarely been examined for their influence on men's own health. This paper examines the socio-demographic, substance use, and mental health correlates of misogynistic attitudes among a binational sample of men (n=400) in Tijuana, Mexico with high-risk substance use and sexual behaviors. We used a 6-item scale to measure misogynistic attitudes (α = .72), which was developed specifically for this context. We used descriptive statistics to describe our sample population and the extent to which they hold misogynistic attitudes. Then, using misogynistic attitudes as our dependent variable, we conducted bivariate linear regression and multivariable linear regression to examine the relationship between these attitudes and socio-demographic characteristics, substance use behaviors (i.e., use of alcohol, marijuana, heroin, methamphetamines, cocaine), and mental health (i.e., depression, self-esteem). In the multivariable model, we found significant relationships between misogynistic attitudes and education level (t = -4.34, p < 0.01), heroin use in the past 4 months (t = 2.50, p = 0.01), and depressive symptoms (t = 3.37, p < 0.01). These findings suggest that misogynistic attitudes are linked to poor health outcomes for men and future research needs to further explore the temporality of these relationships and identify strategies for reducing men's misogynistic attitudes with the ultimate aim of improving the health and well-being of both women and men.



男性的厌恶女性态度(即厌恶或蔑视女性)已被证明与男性对女性实施身体/性暴力以及女性健康状况不佳有关。然而,很少有人研究这些态度对男性自身健康的影响。本文研究了墨西哥蒂华纳的跨国男性样本(n = 400)中具有高风险药物使用和性行为的厌恶女性态度与社会人口、药物使用和心理健康的相关性。我们使用 6 项量表来衡量厌女态度 (α = .72),该量表是专门针对这种情况开发的。我们使用描述性统计数据来描述我们的样本人群以及他们持有厌恶女性态度的程度。然后,使用厌恶女性态度作为因变量,我们进行了双变量线性回归和多变量线性回归,以检查这些态度与社会人口特征、物质使用行为(即使用酒精、大麻、海洛因、甲基苯丙胺、可卡因)之间的关系和心理健康(即抑郁、自尊)。在多变量模型中,我们发现厌女态度与教育水平(t = -4.34,p < 0.01)、过去 4 个月使用海洛因(t = 2.50,p = 0.01)和抑郁症状(t = 3.37)之间存在显着关系。 ,p < 0.01)。这些发现表明,厌恶女性的态度与男性不良的健康结果有关,未来的研究需要进一步探讨这些关系的暂时性,并确定减少男性厌恶女性态度的策略,最终目标是改善女性和女性的健康和福祉。男人。