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Culturally anchoring an intervention for gender-based violence
International Journal of Health Promotion and Education ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-19 , DOI: 10.1080/14635240.2017.1415766
Cheryl M Killion 1 , Elizabeth Sloand 2 , Faye A Gary 3 , Nancy Glass 4 , Betty P Dennis 5 , Nicole Cesar Muller 6 , Mona Hassan 7 , Gloria B Callwood 8 , Doris W Campbell 9

Abstract Haitians continue to rebuild following the devastating earthquake in 2010, as many also strive to recover and heal from associated horrific events. Immediately following the earthquake, domestic and international agencies reported dramatic increases in violence against women and girls in this small Caribbean nation that shares the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic. In this article, we highlight one segment of a situational analysis used as groundwork for developing an intervention to address gender-based violence (GBV). We sought to rapidly identify existing and needed resources and services for internally displaced women and girls in Haiti and to facilitate an immediate and sustainable response. During an eight-day period, we convened focus groups in Port au Prince. Displaced women and older girls, directors of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), health care providers and administrators, and community youth leaders participated in the focus groups. Findings from these focus groups illuminate the multiple influences of GBV on displaced women and girls. Gaps, strengths, and limitations of existing resources, capacities, systems, and services for internally displaced Haitian women and girls were identified. In addition, factors that could potentially support or hinder effective implementation of preventive and response interventions were revealed. Our findings provided a foundation and structure for developing a culturally specific educational and safety plan which was used in Haiti following the earthquake and continues to have relevance for use, today.



摘要 海地人在 2010 年毁灭性地震后继续重建,许多人也在努力从相关的可怕事件中恢复和康复。地震发生后,国内和国际机构立即报告说,在这个与多米尼加共和国共享伊斯帕尼奥拉岛的加勒比小国,针对妇女和女童的暴力行为急剧增加。在本文中,我们重点介绍了情境分析的一部分,该部分用作制定干预措施以解决基于性别的暴力 (GBV) 的基础。我们寻求为海地境内流离失所的妇女和女童迅速确定现有和需要的资源和服务,并促进立即和可持续的反应。在八天的时间里,我们在太子港召开了焦点小组会议。流离失所的妇女和年长的女孩,非政府组织 (NGO) 的负责人、卫生保健提供者和行政人员以及社区青年领袖参加了焦点小组。这些焦点小组的调查结果阐明了 GBV 对流离失所妇女和女童的多重影响。确定了为境内流离失所的海地妇女和女童提供的现有资源、能力、系统和服务的差距、优势和局限性。此外,还揭示了可能支持或阻碍有效实施预防和应对干预措施的因素。我们的研究结果为制定具有文化特色的教育和安全计划提供了基础和结构,该计划在海地地震后使用,并在今天继续具有相关性。和社区青年领袖参加了焦点小组。这些焦点小组的调查结果阐明了 GBV 对流离失所妇女和女童的多重影响。确定了为境内流离失所的海地妇女和女童提供的现有资源、能力、系统和服务的差距、优势和局限性。此外,还揭示了可能支持或阻碍有效实施预防和应对干预措施的因素。我们的研究结果为制定具有文化特色的教育和安全计划提供了基础和结构,该计划在海地地震后使用,并在今天继续具有相关性。和社区青年领袖参加了焦点小组。这些焦点小组的调查结果阐明了 GBV 对流离失所妇女和女童的多重影响。确定了为境内流离失所的海地妇女和女童提供的现有资源、能力、系统和服务的差距、优势和局限性。此外,还揭示了可能支持或阻碍有效实施预防和应对干预措施的因素。我们的研究结果为制定具有文化特色的教育和安全计划提供了基础和结构,该计划在海地地震后使用,并在今天继续具有相关性。查明了为境内流离失所的海地妇女和女童提供的现有资源、能力、系统和服务的局限性。此外,还揭示了可能支持或阻碍有效实施预防和应对干预措施的因素。我们的研究结果为制定具有文化特色的教育和安全计划提供了基础和结构,该计划在海地地震后使用,并在今天继续具有相关性。查明了为境内流离失所的海地妇女和女童提供的现有资源、能力、系统和服务的局限性。此外,还揭示了可能支持或阻碍有效实施预防和应对干预措施的因素。我们的研究结果为制定具有文化特色的教育和安全计划提供了基础和结构,该计划在海地地震后使用,并在今天继续具有相关性。